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Education, Libraries, & Digital Humanities

Education is at the core of everything we do. From projects that engage young technology users, to the development of tools that bring education online, to exploring new ways to use technology to make information accessible, we study and create new means for understanding, organizing, presenting, and sharing information.

Our Work 125

Jan 25, 2024

Visualizing Boston's Urban Spaces Using Open Data

Research sprint re-imagines new and trustworthy data systems in Boston

Technological tools that use city-based data are encoded with the value systems of their designers. How might data-driven systems be designed for the agency and safety of…

Apr 19, 2023 @ 5:30 PM

Impossible Choices: When Human Rights Work Comes at a Personal Expense

4/19: A conversation between TED Fellow and metaLAB affiliate Anjan Sundaram and BBC Editor and Nieman Fellow Ashish Dikshit

In this upcoming public event, co-hosted by metaLAB (at) Harvard, the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, the Nieman Foundation for Journalism, and the Human Rights…

Feb 9, 2023 @ 12:30 PM

Student Salon Series: Moral Futurism: Digital Citizenship and the Rights of Youth in the Metaverse and Beyond

The Student Salon Series is a student-led event series bringing Harvard students into dialogue about tech topics, hosted by the Berkman Klein Center.   This inaugural…

Dec 28, 2022

15 Ways to Engage Youth Within Your Company and Why You Should Do It

Sandra Cortesi explores how young people can be included in decision-making processes that impact their futures

Dec 28, 2022

Transforming State-of-the-Art Offline Approaches for the Digital World

A Methods Guide for Youth and Well-being Focus Groups

No two people have the same definition of what “well-being” means to them. While we often use “mental health” and “well-being” interchangeably, well-being can encompass much more…

Oct 28, 2021

Youth and Extended Reality

An Initial Exploration of Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Realities

A new piece from the Youth and Media team surveys potential uses and harms of XR for learning, health, and inclusion...

Jun 7, 2021

How to Help Young People Navigate Life Online Post-Pandemic

In Newsweek, Alexa Hasse offers some key lessons about the skills young people need to be good “digital citizens”

May 14, 2021

Youth Participation in a Digital World

Designing and Implementing Spaces, Programs, and Methodologies

Designing and Implementing Spaces, Programs, and Methodologies

Feb 22, 2021

Teenage Development & Mental Health in Covid-19

John Palfrey discusses “The Connected Parent”

John Palfrey discusses "The Connected Parent"

Harvard Gazette
Dec 14, 2020

How parents can manage children and their technology use

Urs Gasser and John Palfrey offer advice on how to become a ‘connected parent’ with the Harvard Gazette

Harvard Law Today
Nov 16, 2020

‘The Connected Parent’ offers guidance, insight into digital parenting

John Palfrey and Urs Gasser discuss their latest book

Nov 10, 2020 @ 4:00 PM

The Connected Parent: An Expert Guide to Parenting in a Digital World

Video & Podcast: A Harvard Law School Library Faculty Book Talk with Urs Gasser and John Palfrey

Video & Podcast A Harvard Law School Library Faculty Book Talk with Urs Gasser and John Palfrey

Oct 29, 2020

Research sprint participants explore digital transformation in time of crisis with focus on education

Students from all over world join international dialogue on the ethics of digitalization

Students from all over world join international dialogue on the ethics of digitalization

Jun 25, 2020

Youth and the Digital Economy

Exploring Youth Practices, Motivations, Skills, Pathways, and Value Creation

What can we all learn by taking a closer look at young people in today’s digital economy?

Mar 20, 2020

Youth and Digital Citizenship+ (Plus)

Understanding Skills for a Digital World

How can schools, educators, and parents and caregivers embrace the opportunities to support young people in becoming digital citizens?

Oct 29, 2019

Youth and Cyberbullying

Another Look

Examining the changing landscape of bullying while acknowledging the convergence between the online and offline world.

Mar 29, 2019

ARTificial Intelligence: The Laughing Room

An artificially intelligent sitcom

The Laughing Room is an artificially intelligent room and interactive art installation that plays a laugh track whenever the participants say something that the room’s algorithm…

Mar 1, 2019 @ 1:00 PM


libraries, digital placemaking, and emancipatory design

An immersive library experience that gives visitors control over light, color, sound, and space to create the ideal environment for whatever brings them through the library's…

Feb 4, 2019

Template License and Collaboration Agreements for AI Art

Guidance for developers and artists on how to handle rights for AI-generated art

Dec 17, 2018

Berkman Klein Center Reaffirms Open Access Policy

A Look Back on Open Research Practices

Two decades have passed since we first began using open practices to distribute, communicate, and connect our scholarship with the world

Oct 2, 2018 @ 12:00 PM

Software for the Social Good

with the BKC Geek Team & friends

VIDEO & PODCAST: Learn how the Berkman Klein Center's geek team builds the amazing tools that help us study the Internet and advance the public interest.

Aug 28, 2018

Major upgrade for TagTeam, the open-source tagging platform

Announcing a major upgrade to TagTeam, our open-source tagging platform

Aug 1, 2018

Sharing Learning Tools for Youth Digital Life

18 of our open access educational resources for digital literacy are now being translated into over 40 languages

Mar 6, 2018 @ 5:30 PM

metaLAB + friends openLAB

Please join us for metaLAB’s 2018 openLAB, showcasing work by metaLAB and friends.

Feb 27, 2018 @ 12:00 PM

The Global Lives Project and Platforms for Building Empathy & Connection

featuring founder and Executive Director, David Harris

How can a multimedia project build empathy and connect the experiences of humanity around the globe?

Feb 13, 2018 @ 12:00 PM

Media Migration, Signage, and Smoked Fish

the Library Consortium as Studio, Platform, and Metacommunity

In this talk, Nate will give an overview of the programs at METRO/599, talk about the challenges associated with this organizational recalibration, seek input and ideas from the…

Feb 2, 2018 @ 3:00 PM

Past, Present, and Future of the Digital Public Library of America

featuring John Bracken, newly appointed executive director of the DPLA, and colleagues

Please join DPLA's new executive director John Bracken and colleagues to reflect on the DPLA’s past, present and future and explore the way in which libraries can contribute to a…

Jan 19, 2018 @ 6:00 PM


Art Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence

A showcase of works by metaLAB artists exploring the emotional effects of algorithms, the uncanny experiences of sensor-enabled computers, and what intelligent machines might…

Dec 12, 2017 @ 12:00 PM

A Pessimist’s Guide to the Future of Technology

featuring Dr. Ian Bogost, Professor of Interactive Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology

Two decades of technological optimism in computing have proven foolhardy. Let’s talk about new ways to anticipate what might go right and wrong, using a technology that has not…

Dec 5, 2017 @ 12:00 PM

Black Users, Enclaving, and Methodological Challenges in a Shifting Digital Landscape

featuring Sarah Florini, Assistant Professor of Film and Media Studies, Department of English Arizona State University

Researchers often consider the technological practices of Black Americans for insight into race and cultural production. But, Black users are regularly at the digital vanguard,…

Nov 28, 2017 @ 12:00 PM

Plain Text: The Poetics of Computation

featuring Dennis Tenen, Assistant Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University

Computers—from electronic books to smart phones—play an active role in our social lives. Our technological choices thus entail theoretical and political commitments. Dennis Tenen…

Nov 21, 2017

Apply for a Spot in CopyrightX 2018

CopyrightX is a networked course that explores the current law of copyright; the impact of that law on art, entertainment, and industry; and the ongoing debates concerning how the…

Nov 21, 2017 @ 12:00 PM

Badges of Oppression, Positions of Strength

Digital Black Feminist Discourse and the Legacy of Black Women’s Technology Use

The use of online technology by black feminist thinkers has changed the principles, praxis, and product of black feminist writing and simultaneously has changed the technologies…

Nov 7, 2017 @ 12:00 PM

Study Card to Playlist: the Social Life of the Course Catalog

Curricle with Professor Jeffrey Schnapp, metaLAB Harvard

Visualized, annotated, connected: what should the course catalog look like in the 21st century? In this ​participatory lunch talk, members of metaLAB's Curricle team will share…

Oct 17, 2017 @ 12:00 PM

Will Wikipedia exist in 20 years?

Featuring Katherine Maher, Executive Director of the Wikimedia Foundation, in conversation with Harvard Law School Professor Yochai Benkler

Join us for a stimulating conversation highlighting different perspectives of the question, "Will Wikipedia exist in 20 years?"

Aug 7, 2017 @ 10:00 AM


metaLAB AI Art Exhibition, Lightbox Gallery, Harvard Art Museums

metaLAB exhibits five new artistic projects playfully and critically engaging different aspects of Artificial Intelligence at Harvard Art Museum's Lightbox Gallery from August 8…

Jun 23, 2017 @ 12:00 PM

Lower Ed: The Troubling Rise of For-Profit Colleges in the New Economy

with the author, Berkman Klein Center Faculty Associate Tressie McMillan Cottom

A former insider discloses the story behind for-profit schools to explain the exorbitant price tags, the questionable credentials, and the lose-lose options for Americans seeking…

Mar 21, 2017 @ 12:00 PM

The Things of the Internet

with Berkman Klein Fellow, An Xiao” Mina

What sorts of objects do new forms of hardware culture enable, and what role does the internet now play in all steps along the way, from ideation to sales to manufacturing to…

Mar 7, 2017 @ 12:00 PM

Embedded Dangers

Revisiting the Year 2000 Problem and the Politics of Technological Repair

What really happened in the Y2K crisis and did it matter? With a growing consensus that the United States is in a state of infrastructural crisis, the Y2K bug and its aftermath…

Feb 28, 2017 @ 12:00 PM

Five Global Challenges and the Role of University

Berkman Faculty Associate, Juan Carlos De Martin with Berkman Klein founder, Charlie Nesson

Five global, complex, interrelated and to some extent unprecedented challenges: in the coming years what can universities do to support society in addressing them?

Jan 31, 2017 @ 12:00 PM

Not Bugs, But Features

Hopeful Institutions and Technologies of Inequality

How did we learn that we need to learn to code—or else? This talk draws on an ethnography of a library system amidst a massive digital transition, tracing how strained public…

Jan 10, 2017 @ 12:00 PM

Examining Black Feminism in the Digital Era

with Berkman Klein Fellow, Kishonna L. Gray

Using Black women’s innovative use of digital technologies via the hashtag, via reappropriating imagery, via facebook pages and gaming, Kishonna L. Gray highlights examples…

Oct 17, 2016

Apply for a spot in CopyrightX

CopyrightX is a networked course that explores the current law of copyright; the impact of that law on art, entertainment, and industry; and the ongoing debates concerning how the…

Sep 28, 2016

Berkman Klein’s “Digital Citizenship Learning Playlists” Wins “Digital Media and Learning (DML) Competition” Award

The Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University is excited to announce that it is one of nine winners of the “6th Digital Media and Learning (DML)…

Jan 25, 2016

Digital Literacy Resource Platform Goes Live

The Berkman Center and Youth and Media are pleased to announce the launch of the Digital Literacy Resource Platform (DLRP), a new online platform we have designed and incubated as…

Oct 21, 2015

Welcome New Fellows: Niousha Roshani and Effy Vayena

By Summer 2015 Interns Sun Woo Lee and Grant Nelson

This post is part of a series featuring interviews with some of members of the 2015-2016 class of Berkman Fellows. Conducted by our 2015 summer interns (affectionately known as …

Oct 16, 2015

Good Practices for University Open-Access Policies

We have worked directly for many years with colleagues at many institutions on policies to facilitate open access to faculty research. We began writing this guide in 2011 to…

Oct 14, 2015

Welcome New Fellows: Chao Yin Kuo and Patrick Murck

By Summer 2015 Interns Tarun Krishnakumar and Zoe Wood

This post is part of a series featuring interviews with some of members of the 2015-2016 class of Berkman Fellows. Conducted by our 2015 summer interns (affectionately known as …

Oct 6, 2015

Welcome New Fellows: Shannon Dosemagen and Maria Paz Canales

By Summer 2015 Interns Won Woo Kim and Rod Ghaemmaghami

This post is part of a series featuring interviews with some of members of the 2015-2016 class of Berkman Fellows. Conducted by our 2015 summer interns (affectionately known as …

Oct 2, 2015

Welcome New Fellows: Griffin Boyce and Olivier Alais

By Summer 2015 Interns Michael Rosenbloom and Loren Newman

This post is part of a series featuring interviews with some of members of the 2015-2016 class of Berkman Fellows. Conducted by our 2015 summer interns (affectionately known as …

Sep 30, 2015

Fifteen Lessons from the Berkman Fellows Program

This report explores what makes the Berkman Fellows program successful and aims to derive lessons that can be applied to other institutions. 

Sep 28, 2015

Welcome New Fellows: Dariusz Jemielniak and Rebecca Richman Cohen

By Summer 2015 Interns Sandra Rubinchik and Muira McCammon

This post is part of a series featuring interviews with some of members of the 2015-2016 class of Berkman Fellows. Conducted by our 2015 summer interns (affectionately known as …

Sep 17, 2015

Welcome New Fellows: Eldar Haber and Nicola Greco

By Summer 2015 Interns Amy Aixi Zhang and Dario Chaifouroosh

This post is part of a series featuring interviews with some of members of the 2015-2016 class of Berkman Fellows. Conducted by our 2015 summer interns (affectionately known as …

Sep 15, 2015

Welcome New Fellows: Lana Swartz and Leyla Keser

By Summer 2015 Interns David Eichert and Dennis Redeker

This post is part of a series featuring interviews with some of members of the 2015-2016 class of Berkman Fellows. Conducted by our 2015 summer interns (affectionately known as …

Sep 11, 2015

Welcome New Fellows: Charlie Ruth Castro and Jason Griffey

By Summer 2015 Interns Uvania Naidoo and Nick Rubin

This post is part of a series featuring interviews with some of members of the 2015-2016 class of Berkman Fellows. Conducted by our 2015 summer interns (affectionately known as …

Sep 9, 2015

Welcome New Fellows: William Li and Mary Gray

By Summer 2015 Interns Achyuth Samudrala and Alyssa Smith

  Q&A with William Li, PhD student in computer science @williampli by Achyuth Samudrala Can you tell us something about…

Jul 7, 2015

Berkman Center Announces 2015-2016 Community

The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University today announced the fellows, faculty associates, and affiliates who will formally join its community in the 2015…

Apr 7, 2015

Digitally Connected: Global Perspectives on Youth and Digital Media

An ebook presenting diverse views, experiences, and insights on key challenges and opportunities

“Digitally Connected: Global Perspectives on Youth and Digital Media,” is a first-of-its kind collection of essays that offers reflections from diverse perspectives on youth…

Mar 6, 2015

Applications open for Advanced Copyright Practice, a new HLS Executive Education course

Faculty co-director William Fisher, together with five faculty, will teach Advanced Copyright Practice on May 7-9, 2015. The application deadline is April 15.

Update, April 14, 2015: this course has been indefinitely postponed. This intensive three-day executive education course is designed for lawyers who would like to deepen their…

Feb 24, 2015

Call for Participants—Catastrophic Risk: Technologies and Policy Study Group

Technology empowers, for both good and bad. A broad history of "attack" technologies shows trends of empowerment, as individuals wield ever more destructive power. The natural…

Feb 24, 2015 @ 12:00 PM

Workshopping Ideas: Presentations from the Digital Problem-Solving Initiative (DPSI) Teams

#DPSI teams will be workshopping their work @berkmancenter.

Feb 17, 2015

Youth and Online News: Reflections and Perspectives

Youth and Media is pleased to announce the publication of "Youth and Online News: Reflections and Perspectives," a series of short essays written by friends and colleagues that…

Feb 12, 2015

Berkman Community Newcomers: Ching-Lin Wang

Meet Ching-Lin Wang, Berkman fellow and Taiwanese public prosecutor focusing on surveillance and personal data protection.

Jan 15, 2014

Youth Perspectives on Tech in Schools: From Mobile Devices to Restrictions and Monitoring

This research brief, prepared by the Berkman Center’s Youth and Media project for the co-organized Berkman Center and Consortium for School Networking working meeting on student…

Oct 22, 2013

Good Practices for University Open-Access Policies

Peter Suber and Stuart Shieber release the first print edition of a guide focused on recommendations for university policies on open access to faculty research.

Sep 24, 2013 @ 12:30 PM

Curated by the Crowd: collections, data, and platforms for participation in museums and other institutions

hosted by metaLAB's Jeffrey Schnapp, Matthew Battles and Pablo Barría Urenda

Curarium is a collection of collections, an “animated archive,” designed to serve as a model for crowdsourcing annotation, curation, and augmentation of works within and beyond…

Aug 22, 2013

Teens and Mobile Apps Privacy

58% of American teens have downloaded an app to a cell phone or tablet. More than half of teen apps users have avoided an app due to concerns about sharing their personal…

Aug 14, 2013

Where Teens Seek Online Privacy Advice

Many teens ages 12-17 report that they usually figure out how to manage content sharing and privacy settings on their own. Focus group interviews with teens suggest that for their…

May 21, 2013

Teens, Social Media, and Privacy

Teens are sharing more information about themselves on social media sites than they have in the past, but they are also taking a variety of technical and non-technical steps to…

Apr 18, 2013 @ 4:19 PM

[postponed] DPLA Launch

in Boston, MA

On April 18-19, 2013, the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) will bring together librarians, technologists, creators, publishers, innovators, students, government leaders,…

Mar 13, 2013

Teens and Technology 2013

Smartphone adoption among American teens has increased substantially and mobile access to the internet is pervasive. One in four teens are “cell-mostly” internet users, who say…

Jan 11, 2013

Copyright For Librarians

Copyright for Librarians" (CFL) is an online open curriculum on copyright law that was developed jointly with Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society. Re-designed as a…

Nov 20, 2012

Parents, Teens, and Online Privacy

Parents have a range of concerns about how their children’s online activities might affect their privacy and many have taken steps to monitor their children and encourage online…

Nov 8, 2012 @ 9:00 AM

DPLA Appfest Hackathon

in Chattanooga, TN

DPLA Appfest is an informal, open call for both ideas and functional examples of creative and engaging ways to use the content and metadata in the DPLA back-end platform. The…

Oct 23, 2012 @ 12:30 PM

How to Make Your Research Open Access (Whether You're at Harvard or Not)

Celebrating Open Access Week

How do you make your own work open access (OA)? The question comes up from researchers at schools with good OA policies (like Harvard and MIT) and at schools with no OA policies…

Oct 11, 2012 @ 9:00 AM

DPLA Midwest Conference

in Chicago, IL

DPLA Midwest—taking place on October 11-12, 2012 in Chicago—is the third major public event bringing together librarians, technologists, creators, students, government leaders,…

Sep 17, 2012

Bullying in a Networked Era: A Literature Review

This research update presents an aggregation and summary of recent academic literature on youth bullying. The purpose of this document is to “translate” scholarly research for a…

Sep 11, 2012 @ 6:00 PM

Open Access Book Launch

Peter Suber tells us what open access is and isn’t, how it benefits authors and readers of research, how we pay for it, how it avoids copyright problems, how it has moved from the…

Jun 1, 2012

Open Access

In this concise introduction, Peter Suber tells us what open access is and isn’t, how it benefits authors and readers of research, how we pay for it, how it avoids copyright…

May 29, 2012 @ 12:30 PM

Making large volunteer-driven projects sustainable. Lessons learned from Drupal

Dries Buytaert, original creator and project lead of Drupal

In this talk, Dries shares his experiences on how he grew the Drupal community from just one person to over 800,000 members over the past 10 years.

May 15, 2012 @ 12:30 PM

Going Feral on the Net: the Qualities of Survival in a Wild, Wired World

Matthew Battles, Managing Editor and Curatorial Practice Fellow at metaLAB (at) Harvard

How do we balance the empowering possibilities of the networked public sphere with the dark, unsettling, and even dangerous energies of cyberspace? Matthew Battles blends a deep…

Apr 27, 2012 @ 9:00 AM

DPLA West Conference + Webcast

DPLA West—taking place on April 27, 2012 in San Francisco—is the second major public event bringing together librarians, technologists, creators, students, government leaders, and…

Apr 3, 2012 @ 12:30 PM

The Growth and Decay of Shared Knowledge

Dennis Tenen, fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society

In this talk, Dennis will discuss our intuitions about knowledge domains and the methods by which such intuitions could be modeled empirically. Along the way, we will have the…

Feb 23, 2012

Youth and Digital Media: From Credibility to Information Quality

Building upon a process- and context-oriented information quality framework, this paper seeks to map and explore what we know about the ways in which young users of age 18 and…

Feb 21, 2012 @ 12:30 PM

The Promises of Web-based Social Experiments

Jerome Hergueux, Berkman Center Fellow

In this talk, Jerome Hergueux will engage the audience in a discussion about the specificities, limitations and promises of web-based behavioral experiments for advancing social…

Jan 31, 2012 @ 12:30 PM

Designing for Remixing: Computer-supported Social Creativity

Andres Monroy-Hernandez, Berkman Fellow & MIT Media Lab

In this talk Andres Monroy-Hernandez presents a framework for the design and study of an online community of amateur creators. This event will be webcast live at 12:30PM ET.

Nov 22, 2011 @ 12:30 PM

The Spanish Revolution & the Internet: From free culture to meta-politics

Mayo Fuster Morell, Berkman Center Fellow

In the context of multiple crises – ecological, political, financial and geopolitical restructuring – large mobilizations are taking place in several countries. In the Spanish…

Oct 21, 2011 @ 9:00 AM

Digital Public Library of America Plenary Meeting

The plenary meeting will bring together a wide range of stakeholders in a broad, open forum to present the history of and vision for the DPLA effort, to showcase the best ideas…

Oct 18, 2011 @ 6:00 PM

The Penguin and the Leviathan: How Cooperation Triumphs over Self-Interest

Yochai Benkler, Berkman Center Faculty Co-Director

In his new book, Yochai Benkler uses evidence from neuroscience, economics, sociology, biology, and real-world examples to break down the myth of self-interest and replace it with…

Oct 11, 2011 @ 12:30 PM

Almost Wikipedia: What Eight Collaborative Encyclopedia Projects Reveal About Mechanisms of Collective Action

Benjamin Mako Hill, Berkman Center & MIT

Benjamin Mako Hill will present some preliminary findings from a qualitative, inductive, case-study based analysis of 8 early projects to create online collaborative encyclopedias.

Aug 9, 2011

The Penguin and the Leviathan: How Cooperation Triumphs over Self-Interest

Yochai Benkler draws on cutting-edge findings from neuroscience, economics, sociology, evolutionary biology, political science, and a wealth of real world examples to reveal how…

May 16, 2011 @ 9:00 AM

Global Interoperability and Linked Data Workshop

On May 16-17, 2011, the Berkman Center together with Open Knowledge Commons and the Institute for Information Law at the University of Amsterdam convened a group of technical and…

Mar 20, 2011

Designing Incentives for Inexpert Human Raters

This paper presents the results of an experiment comparing the effects of social, financial, and hybrid incentive schemes on worker performance in an online labor market (Amazon's…

Nov 2, 2010 @ 12:30 PM

The Online Laboratory: Taking Experimental Social Science onto the Internet

Dave Rand, Berkman Fellow & Research Scientist at Harvard's Program for Evolutionary Dynamics

In this talk Dave Rand will describe how to go about designing and running experiments using Mechanical Turk, some successful experiments that have been run (mostly involving…

Sep 21, 2010 @ 12:00 PM

Hacking the Casebook

The H20 Development Team

Traditional law school casebooks are expensive, bulky and stagnant. With the support of the HLS Library, Berkman has been updating our suite of classroom tools, H2O. In this…

Jun 22, 2010

Sexting: Youth Practices and Legal Implications

This document addresses legal and practical issues related to the practice colloquially known as sexting. It was created by Harvard Law School’s Cyberlaw Clinic, based at the…

Jun 15, 2010

Working Towards a Deeper Understanding of Digital Safety for Children and Young People in Developing Nations

An Exploratory Study by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, in Collaboration with UNICEF

This paper's main objectives are: to raise awareness about issues related to digital safety for youth in developing nations; to provide a tentative map of these issues and give…

Jun 8, 2010 @ 12:30 PM

Preliminary Conclusions from The Industrial Cooperation Project

Carolina Rossini, Berkman Fellow

Carolina Rossini, Berkman Fellow, will report initial findings and conclusions from the Industrial Cooperation Project...

Apr 28, 2010

How the COPPA, as Implemented, Is Misinterpreted by the Public: A Research Perspective

Statement to the United States Senate, Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Insurance of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

Statement by danah boyd, Urs Gasser, and John Palfrey, urging consideration of the gap between the intentions of COPPA and how children and their parents perceive its…

Apr 27, 2010

A Tale of Two Blogospheres: Discursive Practices on the Left and Right

This paper compares the practices of discursive production and participation among top U.S. political blogs on the left, right, and center during the summer of 2008 and finds…

Apr 12, 2010

Youth, Privacy and Reputation (Literature Review)

The scope of this literature review is to map out what is currently understood about the intersections of youth, reputation, and privacy online, focusing on youth attitudes and…

Feb 24, 2010

Response to FCC Notice of Inquiry 09-94 “Empowering Parents and Protecting Children in an Evolving Media Landscape”

The response synthesizes current research and data on the media practices of youth, focusing on three main areas -- 1) Risky Behaviors and Online Safety, 2) Privacy, Publicity and…

Nov 17, 2009 @ 12:30 PM

Kudunomics: Information and Property Rights in the Weightless Economy

Sam Bowles, Santa Fe Institute, Behavioral Sciences Program

Sam Bowles will discuss how an evolutionary model and computer simulations will show how systems of property rights might respond to the challenges of the weightless economy.

Aug 16, 2009

An Evaluation of Private Foundation Copyright Licensing Policies, Practices and Opportunities

This project undertook to examine the copyright licensing policies and practices of a group of twelve private foundations. In particular, it looked at the extent to which…

Jul 7, 2009 @ 12:30 PM

HIT me baby one more time, Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love Amazon Mechanical Turk

Aaron Shaw, Berkman Center Fellow

Aaron Shaw will discuss who's using Amazon's Mechanical Turk, its implications for social scientists, the future of labor markets, and life on the Internet as we know it.

Jun 9, 2009 @ 12:30 PM

The Second and Third Enclosures

Lewis Hyde, Berkman Fellow

In his lunchtime talk, Lewis Hyde will trace the roots of the second enclosure (it goes back at least to the invention of printing); he will describe traditional forms of…

May 20, 2009 @ 6:00 PM

Harvard-MIT-Yale Cyberscholar Working Group

Aaron Shaw - Polanyi's Penguin? Commons-Based Industry in the Neoliberal Knowledge Economy; Colleen Kaman - The World in the Network; Rasmus Kleis Nielsen - Mundane Tools and…

May 1, 2009

Youth, Creativity, and Copyright in the Digital Age

This paper describes research findings that show young people operate in the digital realm overwhelmingly ignorant of the rights, and to a lesser degree the restrictions,…

Mar 30, 2009

Dynamic remodeling of in-group bias during the 2008 presidential election

People often favor members of their own group, while discriminating against members of other groups. Such in-group favoritism has been shown to play an important role in human…

Feb 3, 2009 @ 12:30 PM

ISTTF: Enhancing Child Safety and Online Technologies

John Palfrey, danah boyd, Dena Sacco, Laura DeBonis

John Palfrey, danah boyd, Dena Sacco, Laura DeBonis, directors of the recently concluded Internet Safety Technical Task Force, discuss the findings and recommendations from the…

Jan 14, 2009

Enhancing Child Safety and Online Technologies

Final Report of the Internet Safety Technical Task Force to the Multi-State Working Group on Social Networking of State Attorneys General of the United States

The Internet Safety Technical Task Force was created in February 2008 in accordance with the "Joint Statement on Key Principles of Social Networking Safety" announced in January…

Dec 12, 2008 @ 6:30 PM

The Commons: Celebrating accomplishments, discerning futures

Jamie Boyle, Lawrence Lessig, Joi Ito, Molly S. Van Houweling, and Jonathan Zittrain

Creative Commons and the Berkman Center for Internet & Society present "The Commons: Celebrating accomplishments, discerning futures" tonight.

Dec 9, 2008 @ 12:30 PM

Developing A Self-Learning Distance Program on Copyright for Librarians

Melanie Dulong de Rosnay, Berkman Fellow

Berkman Fellow Melanie Dulong de Rosnay will discuss the Copyright for Librarians project, which aims, in partnership with, to develop a distance learning program on…

Nov 24, 2008 @ 4:00 PM

Participatory Governance: In open source communities, companies and government

Irving Wladawsky-Berger

Irving Wladawsky-Berger is a Visiting Professor of Engineering Systems at MIT, where he is involved in multi-disciplinary research and teaching activities focused on how…

Sep 30, 2008 @ 1:30 PM

Armchair Revolutionary: Crowdsourcing Global Social Change

Ariel Hauter and Ori Neidich

We all want to make the world a better place, but we're discouraged from giving money and volunteer time to charities due to several layers of obstacles: transparency, efficacy,…

Sep 23, 2008 @ 10:00 AM

Internet Safety Technical Task Force (ISTTF) Open Meeting

The Berkman Center hosted a day and a half-long public meeting of the Internet Safety Technical Task Force.

Sep 23, 2008 @ 8:00 PM

Born Digital (Cambridge Book Talk & Reception)

by John Palfrey and Urs Gasser

The Berkman Center celebrated the release of John Palfrey and Urs Gasser's "Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives" at Harvard Law School.

Sep 1, 2008

Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives

Based on original research and advancing new theories, leading internet and technology experts John Palfrey and Urs Gasser offer a sociological portrait of the 'Born Digital'…

Jul 15, 2008 @ 1:30 PM

Openness for Life Science Databases

Melanie Dulong de Rosnay, Berkman Fellow

Melanie Dulong de Rosnay presented work on legal and technical openness for life science databases that she developed with Science Commons.

Feb 19, 2008 @ 12:30 PM

The Pros and Cons of an 'Educational Fair Use' Project

Lewis Hyde, Berkman Fellow

Lewis Hyde, Berkman Fellow, spoke on "The Pros and Cons of an 'Educational Fair Use' Project" and how fiar use can be reclaimed as an expressive right.

Apr 30, 2007 @ 1:57 AM

Digital Libraries in Developing Nations: Challenges and Opportunities

Teresa Hackett of eIFL

As a lead-up event to the 2007 Internet & Society Conference, Teresa Hackett of eIFL discussed "Digital Libraries in Developing Nations: Challenges and Opportunities"

Mar 13, 2007 @ 12:30 PM

Subclassing the Commons

John Mayer, Executive Director of Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)

John discussed CALI's use of both social networking tools, as well as innovative software in the quest to provide the most thorough and practical means of legal education.

May 15, 2006

The Wealth of Networks

How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom

Book Description, from Amazon: With the radical changes in information production that the Internet has introduced, we stand at an important moment of transition, says Yochai…

Jul 12, 2005 @ 12:30 PM

H2O Playlists Public Beta Release

Berkman H2O Team

Berkman Luncheon Series: 7/12/05 - Berkman H2O team on H2O Playlists Public Beta Release

Apr 14, 2003 @ 12:30 PM


Dave Winer, Former Berkman Fellow and Pioneer of RSS

Berkman Luncheon Series: 4/15/03 - Dave Winer on Weblogs

Community 73


Generative Agent Simulations of 1,000 People

"The promise of human behavioral simulation—general-purpose computational agents that replicate human behavior across domains—could enable broad applications in policymaking and…

Feb 17, 2025
Boston Globe

Protecting child influencers: States rethink labor laws for digital age

Faculty Associate Leah Plunkett tackles the unregulated world of child influencers.

Jan 10, 2025
The Associated Press

Trump has promised to ‘save TikTok’. What happens next is less clear

Leah Plunkett analyzes a proposed statute banning the app in the United States.

Nov 12, 2024
EdTech Magazine

How Personhood Credentials Could Impact Higher Education

This new type of identity verification aims to separate humans from artificial intelligence.

Tom Zick weighs in on the utility of personhood credentials for combatting AI in higher education.

Nov 4, 2024
Everyday Better

Are Our Phones Making Us Lonelier?

Jeffrey Hall joins Leah Smart to discuss the toxic relationships we have with our phones.

Oct 28, 2024

A.I. and ChatGPT

A student punished for cheating is suing their school. Now what?

When does students' A.I. use constitute a violation of existing plagiarism policies?

Oct 26, 2024

The surprising source of kids' stress lurking on parents' phones

Grade-tracking apps are giving kids anxiety

Leah Plunkett raises privacy concerns with student-tracking apps.

Oct 24, 2024
Prospect Magazine

The Amish approach to AI

Artificial intelligence is unavoidable. But can we resist some of its progress?

Ethan Zuckerman calls for a revaluation of the Luddite ethos.

Oct 21, 2024
New Media & Society

Metaverse risks and harms among US youth

Experiences, gender differences, and prevention and response measures

Sameer Hinduja and Justin W Patchin explore teenagers' use of virtual reality and the particular harms that they encounter therein.

Oct 12, 2024
Marketplace Tech

What do generative AI and social media have in common? A lack of regulation.

Teens' use of AI may be cause for concern.

Oct 1, 2024
Harvard Gazette

You'd never fall for an online scam, right?

Bruce Schneier sat down with the Harvard Gazette to discuss just how common online scams are.

Sep 27, 2024
Common Sense Media

The Dawn of the AI Era: Teens, Parents, and the Adoption of Generative AI at Home and School

In a newly-published reporta, Alexa Hasse illustrates the roles that generative AI software plays in teens' and parents' lives, and advocates for maintaining open communication…

Sep 18, 2024
Citation Needed

Big publishers think libraries are the enemy

The recent Second Circuit decision in Hachette v. Internet Archive is only the latest battle in the war on libraries and the freedom to read.

Molly White links a recent Second Circuit decision to a larger pattern of publishers' interference with libraries and, more generally, with reading practices.

Sep 12, 2024
Nieman Lab

Want to fight misinformation? Teach people how algorithms work

Sociodemographic data bears on algorithmic literacy.

Sep 4, 2024
Harvard Law Today

Candy Crushed

Harvard Law digital privacy expert Leah Plunkett says that children’s data safety is just one of many problems with kids’ use of popular apps like TikTok

Leah Plunkett discusses the evolving legal landscape of children's data privacy, including a recent US Department of Justice suit against TikTok.

Aug 12, 2024
The Berkman Klein Center Collection

Fellows Spotlight: Johanna Wild, Investigative Journalist

Sam Hinds interviews Johanna Wild on the benefits and risks of using novel open source intelligence (OSINT) tools to enable a broader, more transparent global knowledge base.

Jul 11, 2024
Harvard Magazine

Mechanical Intelligence and Counterfeit Humanity

Harry R. Lewis crafts a view of the future of AI and humanity by reflecting on the past six decades of computer advancement.

Jun 27, 2024
Yale University Press

Loneliness and Screens: Causes and Consequences

Jeffrey Hall writes about the loneliness epidemic and how to address its core.

Jun 7, 2024
The Boston Globe

ChatGPT is at odds with what education is for

Jane Rosenzweig writes on the tension between OpenAI's goal of reducing friction through AI and the importance of friction in education.

May 22, 2024
The Harvard Gazette

How dating sites automate racism

Apryl Williams joined BKC for an event on her new book about algorithmic bias in online dating apps.

Apr 4, 2024
Harvard Magazine

Making the Public Record Public

Jonathan Zittrain spoke on the digitization and release of 7 million judicial decisions, extending back to the nation’s founding. 

Apr 3, 2024
Harvard Graduate School of Education

Media Literacy Education and AI

Director of Art & Education at metaLAB Sarah Newman joins a panel to discuss the skills needed to navigate a world increasingly influenced by artificial intelligence,…

Apr 3, 2024

Event Tomorrow Marks the End of Commercial Restrictions on the Caselaw Access Project that Digitized All U.S. Case Law

Library Innovation Lab's event Transform: Justice intends to begin the process of charting the future for access to law. 

Mar 7, 2024
Wall Street Journal

What Gen Z Will Lose if They Don’t Have Friendships at Work

Jeffrey Hall discusses research around making friendships in the workplace.

Mar 7, 2024
The Washington Post

Does copyright help artists? Not necessarily, say these writers.

Madhavi Sunder reviews Who Owns This Sentence?, which weaves through the history of copyright and grapples with key current issues.

Feb 14, 2024
Library Innovation Lab

LLMs are universal translators: on building my own translation tools for a foreign language conference

BKC Affiliate Jack Cushman frames large language models (LLMs) as universal translators.

Nov 29, 2023
Library Innovation Lab

Conference talk: disruptive innovation in libraries

BKC Affiliate Jack Cushman discusses how libraries must innovate to emerging needs of the community.

Nov 28, 2023
Oxford University Press

Ethical Data Science

Prediction in the Public Interest

A new book from Anne L. Washington showcases how to produce better predictive algorithms for the public interest, and "draws on other disciplines, previous research practices, and…

Nov 16, 2023

You Know, For Kids

BKC Associate Bill Shribman brings the perspective of a children’s media producer as he explores how media literacy education may need to shift in light of advancements in AI…

Nov 9, 2023

A Plea for Inexplicability

David Weinberger urges us to appreciate the inexplicability of machine learning.

Mar 15, 2023
Nelson Mandela Foundation News

Teaching the legacy of Dulcie September and other assassinated anti-racist figures of resistance as poetry for collective liberation

"They erased Dulcie September, who remained a name in schools, streets, and cultural centers but nothing about her intellectual production and incredible life story as an anti…

Feb 22, 2023
The New York Times

What Would Plato Say About ChatGPT?

BKC Faculty Associate Zeynep Tufekci writes about conversational AI ChatGPT’s role in an evolving society.  “As Plato was wrong to fear the written word as the enemy, we…

Dec 15, 2022
Hard Fork

Can ChatGPT Make This Podcast?

On the Hard Fork podcast, Aviv Ovadya speaks about ChatGPT, its potential, and related concerns.

Aviv Ovadya, BKC Affiliate, speaks about ChatGPT, its potential, and related concerns. It’s writing podcast scripts, finishing students’ homework and correcting mistakes in…

Dec 9, 2022

AI bot ChatGPT writes smart essays — should academics worry?

Sandra Wachter, BKC Faculty Associate, discusses ChatGPT and its concerns for academics and education.  “The situation both worries and excites Sandra Wachter, who studies…

Dec 9, 2022

Amazon Alexa Wants To Put Your Child To Bed With Generative AI Storytelling

BKC Fellow Sandra Cortesi discusses generative AI storytelling. “Sandra Cortesi, a fellow at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, says…

Dec 7, 2022

Mary L. Gray: The invisible "ghost" workforce powering our day-to-day lives

BKC Faculty Associate Mary Gray discusses the invisible "ghost" workforce.

Aug 26, 2022
ABC News

Snapchat safety features for parents announced

BKC Faculty Associate Sameer Hinduja speaks about the new Snapchat safety features.   “Now, of course, those parents or guardians are not going to be able to see the…

Aug 9, 2022
Cyberlaw Clinic

Clinic Works w/ Amici Kenneth Crews and Kevin Smith to Support Internet Archive’s Controlled Digital Lending Efforts

"Last week, the Cyberlaw Clinic filed an amicus brief in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York in support of Internet Archive (“IA”) a non-profit…

Jul 19, 2022
Harvard Law Today

‘Living by Protocol’ meditates on the impact of social media and its future

Berkman affiliates preview ‘Living by Protocol,’ the exhibition by metaLAB that runs through July 3 at Harvard Art Museums “How does this influence what you say, and to whom…

Jun 7, 2022

Learn from machine learning

The world is a black box full of extreme specificity: it might be predictable but that doesn’t mean it is understandable

"The inexplicability [of machine learning models] is not a drawback but a truth."

Nov 15, 2021
Smithsonian Magazine

Ten Research-Backed Tips on Parenting in a Digital Era

With screen time at a high during the Covid-19 pandemic, John Palfrey and Urs Gasser offer some advice

Feb 16, 2021
BKC Medium Collection

Extended Reality

The Potential of Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Reality Experiences for Remote Teaching and Learning

Opportunities and limitations of augmented, virtual, and mixed reality technologies in the educational space

Nov 12, 2020
BKC Medium Collection

Urs Gasser on two new books — and what’s ahead

Urs Gasser discusses his new guide on “connected parenting” and an essay series on the role of law during a pandemic

Urs Gasser discusses his new guide on “connected parenting” and an essay series on the role of law during a pandemic

Sep 17, 2020

The Internet Archive’s New “National Emergency Library” Generates A Range of Strong Reactions

Adam Holland, Project Manager of the Lumen Database, gives an overview of the recent debate over the Internet Archive's “National Emergency Library”

Apr 10, 2020
Communications of the ACM

Embedded EthiCS: Integrating Ethics Across CS Education

Embedded EthiCS employs a distributed pedagogy that makes ethical reasoning an integral component of courses throughout the standard computer science curriculum.

Aug 6, 2019
Harvard Magazine

Curricle, the Course Catalog Matrix

Researchers from metaLAB develop a new tool for curricular exploration at Harvard

Jul 17, 2019
LSE Impact Blog

As schools become suffused with ed-tech, is the only response to constant surveillance the right to remain silent?

Velislava Hillman asks whether the constant monitoring, micromanagement and data collection of students can guarantee a safe environment for students

Jul 16, 2019
Library Innovation Lab

Browse the Bookshelf of U.S. Case Law

Announcing the CAP Case Browser

Jul 11, 2019

Do Schools Really Kill Creativity?

Jonny Sun on What Schools Get Right

Jun 26, 2019
Coding Blocks

Inside Google Summer of Code at the Berkman Klein Center

Berkman Klein’s Google Summer of Code intern Sanket Singh shares his experience

Jun 24, 2019

Hyunjin Seo receives $1.4 million grant from National Science Foundation

Hyunjin Seo and colleagues will offer technology education to support recently incarcerated women reentering the job force.

Jun 20, 2019

Invasive Species For Dessert?

metaLAB collaborates with local designer and researcher to create interactive, public tastings

Jun 7, 2019
Fast Company

Want to fix big tech? Change what classes are required for a computer science degree

When people learn to code, they should also learn about ethics, humanities, and equity. Then perhaps they’ll be more prepared to predict the unintended consequences of their work,…

May 28, 2019
New York Times

Jonny Sun’s Work Diary

Correct Spellign Optoinal, Creativity Mandatory

The author-illustrator behind ‘everyone’s a aliebn when ur a aliebn too’ is writing for TV and film, plus pursuing a Ph.D. at M.I.T.

Apr 22, 2019
The Practice

The Harvard Library Innovation Lab: Embracing Change in Law and Libraries

Expanding the library's role in the digital world

Apr 3, 2019
Library Innovation Lab

Launching CAP Search

The Library Innovation Lab launches a new interface to search data made available as part of the Caselaw Access Project

Apr 2, 2019
New York Times

“Thick” by Tressie McMillan Cottom is sure to become a classic of black intellectualism

"Thick" is sure to become a classic of black intellectualism

Feb 12, 2019

Artificial Intelligence and Creativity

Some artists now work with algorithms, and that's giving us a whole new view on human creativity

Feb 11, 2019
Digital Asia Hub

Drones & Dreams

A Speculative Sprint Story Collection

This new publication from the Digital Asia Hub collects the outputs of a two-day speculative fiction–writing workshop held in December 2018

Jan 16, 2019
New York Times

New Life for Old Classics, as Their Copyrights Run Out

“It’s worse than the tax code. The copyright term is way too long now.”

Dec 29, 2018
Information is Beautiful

Artificial Senses

"Artificial Senses," a piece by Kim Albrecht of the metaLAB project, is honored as one of the best visualizations of the year at the 2018 Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards.

Dec 23, 2018
The Next Web

Snap, share, eat: The decidedly human reasons we're obsessed with amateur food photography

“I think it’s important to understand photos on social media as not just documentation, but also a mode of discourse.”

Nov 23, 2018

Bozeman Computer Museum gets a boost from surprised visitor

There’s a special room dedicated to women in computing. Yelton posted a selfie of herself in the room, posting: “Yes, I am totally taking a selfie in this particular exhibit.”

Nov 14, 2018
Boston Magazine

Jonny Sun's New Art Project in Cambridge Is a Sitcom, Starring You

The Twitter celebrity's Laughing Room features a laugh track powered by artificial intelligence

Nov 9, 2018
Boston Globe

Want to be on a sitcom? Illustrator Jonny Sun is opening an interactive art exhibit in Cambridge

An immersive project that examines the intersection of art, technology, and privacy

Nov 8, 2018
Public-Interest Technology Resources

Public-Interest Technology Resources

A set of resources for public-interest technologists

Nov 8, 2018
MIT Press Podcast

Discussions on Open Access: Open Science Tools

Surveying and explaining open science initiatives and tools

Nov 5, 2018

How Youth Are Reinventing Instagram and Why Having Multiple Accounts Is Trending

Our Youth & Media team looked at how teens are using social media to figure out who they are.

Nov 2, 2018
Chatham House

Is the Web Neutral?

Three Views on the Structure of the Internet

Does the web produce particular outcomes because of how it is built, or does it merely reflect society?

Oct 29, 2018

Searching, Browsing, and Filtering Open Access Content in Digital Collections

A look at the user interfaces of 4 different online libraries

Aug 9, 2018

Time and the Selva Oscura

A meditation on the temporality of forests

Jun 25, 2018
the Atlantic

That Merkel Photo Is More Like a Meme Than a Renaissance Painting

On the meme'ing of international diplomacy

Jun 11, 2018

Congratulations, Zeega!

a winner of the 2011 Knight News Challenge

The Berkman Center is pleased to share some terrific news from our metaLAB (at) Harvard colleagues: Zeega is a winner of the 2011 Knight News Challenge! Zeega is an open-source…

Jun 24, 2011

Projects, Programs, and Tools 18


CopyrightX is a twelve-week networked course offered under the auspices of Harvard Law School, the HarvardX distance-learning initiative, and the Berkman Klein Center.

Harvard Open Access Project

The Harvard Open Access Project (HOAP) fosters the growth of open access to research, within Harvard and beyond.


TagTeam is an open-source tagging and feed aggregation platform maintained as part of the Berkman-based Harvard Open Access Project (HOAP).

metaLAB (at) Harvard

Explores the digital arts and humanities through research, teaching, publications, and exhibitions


Annotation Engine

The Annotation Engine is a set of Perl scripts and a database that allows readers anywhere to add comments to web pages anywhere else.



The Cooperation Group is an interdisciplinary community of scholars studying networked cooperation. Our current activities include a series of empirical research projects on…


Copyright for Librarians

The Berkman Center partnered with eIFL to deliver a distance learning program on copyright for librarians. The resulting curriculum, made available on March 24, 2010, can be used…


Digital Ethics in Times of Crisis: COVID-19 & Access to Education and Learning Spaces

A global research sprint explores digital transformation at a pivotal moment in time

Digital Problem-Solving Initiative

The Digital Problem-Solving Initiative (DPSI) at Harvard University is an innovative and collaborative program that brings together a diverse group of learners (students, faculty,…

Digital Self-Determination Research Sprint

From March to May 2021, we co-hosted a virtual program that convened 25 student participants from 21 countries spread over six continents.


E-Publishing Models

With the generous support of the Revson Foundation, the E-Publishing Models Project is focused on exploring current issues associated with digital publishing business models and…


Freedom To Teach: Claiming Educational Fair Use

"FREEDOM TO TEACH": The Berkman Center at Harvard University is considering a project that we hope will culminate in the widespread circulation of a Statement of Best Practices…


Global Networked Readiness for Education (GNRE)

This project is the first global study offering multi-country analysis and data on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) used in schools in eleven participating countries.



H2O is a Web-based platform for creating, editing, organizing, consuming, and sharing course materials.

Internet Law Program (iLaw)

Taught by world-renowned experts in the field, the Berkman Klein Center’s Internet Law Program addresses the most pressing cyberlaw issues being debated by lawmakers in the U.S…


Mindsport Research Network

The Mindsport Research Network aims to build multiple experimental frameworks for understanding human strategic thinking in mind sports. Research will extend not only to…


The Judicial Gatekeeping Project

The seminar's focus is on the "gate-keeping" role of judges. Ever since the United States Supreme Court’s decision in Daubert v. Richardson Merrill-Dow in 1993, questions have…


eLangdell : The Legal Ed Commons

eLangdell enables law professors to share valuable teaching resources across a nationwide digital commons.

People 63

Kim Albrecht

Faculty Associate

Santiago Amador

Faculty Associate

Margo Bagley

Faculty Associate

Fernando Bermejo

Faculty Associate

Lionel Brossi

Faculty Associate

Ana Castillo

Faculty Associate

Huili Chen


Meredith Clark

Faculty Associate

Sasha Costanza-Chock

Faculty Associate

David Craig

Faculty Associate

Juan Carlos De Martin

Faculty Associate

Judith Donath

Faculty Associate

Rob Eschmann

Faculty Associate

Jabari Evans

Faculty Associate

Mayo Fuster Morell

Faculty Associate

Urs Gasser


Sharad Goel

Faculty Associate

Mary Gray

Faculty Associate

Kishonna Gray

Faculty Associate

Jeffrey Hall

Faculty Associate

Houman Harouni

Faculty Associate

Benjamin Mako Hill

Faculty Associate

Sameer Hinduja

Faculty Associate

Seiji Isotani

Faculty Associate

Dariusz Jemielniak

Faculty Associate

Anna Keune

Faculty Associate

SJ Klein


Crystal Lee

Faculty Associate

Greg Leppert


Harry Lewis

Faculty Associate

Andres Lombana-Bermudez

Faculty Associate

Colin Maclay

Faculty Associate

Faith Majekolagbe

Faculty Associate

David Malan

Faculty Associate

Tomohiro Nagashima

Faculty Associate

Max Neu


Gordon Pennycook

Faculty Associate

Allissa Richardson

Faculty Associate

Dario Rodighiero

Faculty Associate

Magda Romanska

Faculty Associate

Tom Rubin


Nishant Shah

Faculty Associate

Aaron Shaw

Faculty Associate

Peter Suber


Zeynep Tufekci

Faculty Associate

Ethan Zuckerman

Faculty Associate