metaLAB AI Art Exhibition, Lightbox Gallery, Harvard Art Museums
What can we learn by critically evaluating how we interact with, tell stories about, and project logic, intelligence, and sentience onto systems and machines? AI in Art & Design is focused on making expressive works that deal with the cultural and social dimensions of artificial intelligence. The goal is to provoke meaningful reflection in a variety of arenas, including in areas of privacy, human agency, philosophy, and moral responsibility.
From August 8-13, at Harvard Art Museum's Lightbox Gallery, metaLAB will be exhibiting five new artistic projects playfully and critically engaging different aspects of Artificial Intelligence.
There will be four gallery talks, and a launch event on Monday, August 7th in 214A Lewis Hall at Harvard Law School from 5-6pm.
This event is inspired and supported by the Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence Initiative, a research project at the Berkman Klein Center. In conjunction with MIT's Media Lab, the Initiative is developing activities, research, and tools to ensure that fast-advancing AI serves the public good.
Nobody’s Listening Tuesday, August 8, 10 am-5 pm | |
Turing's Mill Wednesday, August 9, 10 am-5 pm | |
| Sherlock Thursday, August 10, 10 am-5 pm |
Color Rx Friday, August 11, 10-4 pm
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AI Senses Saturday/Sunday, Aug 12-13, 10 am-5 pm |