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Stories, videos, podcasts, and more from our community of staff, fellows, faculty associates, and affiliates


Wind is a Mozilla & National Science Foundation Grand Prize Winner

A service providing off-grid communications services to everyday people received the grand prize at the Wireless Innovation for a Networked Society (WINS) Challenge from Mozilla…

Sep 26, 2018

Sticks and Stones

Freedom of Speech in Europe and the U.S.

"The First Amendment is rather unique. Free speech is widely protected with very few exceptions."

Sep 21, 2018

Tech Leadership in an Era of Digital (Mis)Trust

New policies aim to protect the privacy and security of personal data. How can trust be strengthened in the digital economy?

Sep 20, 2018
Harvard Business Review

Platforms Should Become Information Fiduciaries

Internet companies need "information fiduciaries" to ensure that the consumer's best interest is kept at heart.

Sep 19, 2018

The Internet, AI and keeping Marketing Human

"We're all so aware of AI's tremendous power as a tool for manipulating customers and citizens that there are official calls to make AI dumber"

Sep 13, 2018

Ethics in Computing, from Academia to Industry

Considerations of ethics, social responsibility, and long-term impacts of software industry products

Aug 29, 2018
Common Dreams

Facebook Will Fail to Solve #FakeNews

Zuckerberg needs to step back for his company to succeed

"Facebook’s responsibilities go beyond those of any other digital platform, and yet people seem to believe it fails to cope with these responsibilities"

Aug 28, 2018
The New Yorker

A New Book Details the Damage Done by the Right-Wing Media in 2016

Harvard authors connect American politics, media, and technology in "a provocative new book"

Aug 28, 2018
MIT Technology Review

How social media took us from Tahrir Square to Donald Trump

To understand how digital technologies went from instruments for spreading democracy to weapons for attacking it, you have to look beyond the technologies themselves.

Aug 14, 2018

The Uncertain Effects of HTTPS Adoption on Access to Information Worldwide

The wider adoption of encrypted protocols for website delivery — HTTPS — could have uncertain long-term implications for online access to information around the world.

Aug 9, 2018

Searching, Browsing, and Filtering Open Access Content in Digital Collections

A look at the user interfaces of 4 different online libraries

Aug 9, 2018

Filling the void Alex Jones left behind

How social media bans reshape the filter bubble

Aug 8, 2018

Dealing with an epidemic

Preparing for the worst and hoping for the best

Examining the unique socio-economic characteristics that affect how Small Islands States cope with health epidemics.

Aug 8, 2018
Washington Post

Don’t fear the TSA cutting airport security. Be glad that they’re talking about it.

Despite largely negative media coverage of the subject, it is a good thing that TSA is brainstorming ways to optimize security in airports

Aug 7, 2018

Toward a safe and open Internet in Pakistan

Navigating and Understanding Digital Rights in Pakistan

Aug 7, 2018
ITU News

Practical lessons for regulating autonomous vehicles

An interview with Aida Joaquin Acosta summing up key points from 4 new policy papers on autonomous vehicles

Aug 6, 2018

Why Westerners Fear Robots and the Japanese Do Not

How cultural differences account for our feelings about technology

Jul 30, 2018
Journal of Design and Science

Design Justice, A.I., and Escape from the Matrix of Domination

Listening to the voices of the most marginalized people "is essential if we want to make space for many worlds, many ways of being, knowing, and doing, in our visions of A.I. and…

Jul 27, 2018

What Does A Tech Positive Future Look Like?

EFF Executive Director Cindy Cohn and Harvard's Jonathan Zittrain discuss what a tech-positive future looks like—and how we can get there.

Jul 27, 2018
Law and Political Economy blog

The Role of Technology in Political Economy

Yochai Benkler describes the limitations of the popular view of economic inequality and technology

Jul 25, 2018