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- Additional resources
- Adopting a policy
- April 2014
- Best practices for university OA policies
- Deutsches Ärzteblatt Intl
- Drafting a policy
- Evidence for OA
- Filling the repository
- First Trump administration on open access to research
- German OA Journals
- Get started as a tagger
- Good practices for university open-access policies
- Goodpracticesguide-2015.pdf
- Guide to best practices for university open-access policies
- Handout
- Hoaptestredirect
- How to make your own work open access
- How to make your own work open access (French translation)
- How to make your own work open access (German translation)
- How to make your own work open access (Greek translation)
- How to make your own work open access (Indonesian translation)
- How to make your own work open access (Spanish translation)
- Implementing a policy
- Intro to TagTeam
- June 2014
- June 26, 2012
- Knowledge Unbound
- Localsettings.php
- Main Page
- Matching programmers with OA projects
- May-June 2014
- May 2014
- Notes on OA at Harvard
- Notes on best practices for university OA policies
- Notes on good practices for university open-access policies
- Notes on the Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act
- Notes on the Federal Research Public Access Act
- Notes on the Public Access to Public Science Act
- Notes on the Research Works Act
- OATP - Introducción en Español
- OATP Introducción
- OATP Phase 2
- OATP Twitter feed
- OATP all-volunteer phase
- OATP conventions
- OATP feeds
- OATP future
- OATP introduction
- OATP introduction (French)
- OATP introduction (German)
- OATP introduction (Italian)
- OATP links
- OATP mashups
- OATP tags
- OATP tags by field
- OATP tags by region
- OATP tips
- OATP translations
- Open Access (book)
- Open Access (the book)
- Open Access Tracking Project
- Other formats for this guide
- Public updates
- Revising this guide
- SOAR maps
- SOAR maps test
- Sandbox
- Societies and Open Access Research
- Society publishers with open access journals
- TagTeam
- TagTeam FAQ
- TagTeam basics
- TagTeam terms of service
- TagTeam use cases
- TagTeam versions
- Talking about a policy
- Test
- The Trump administrations on open access to research
- Transition to TagTeam
- Use OATP for research on OA
- What is HOAP
- What you can do
- Why tag for OATP