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Prospect Magazine

Two warring visions of AI

BKC Faculty Associate Ethan Zuckerman argues that the power struggle between AI “doomers” and AI “accelerationists” will define the way this world-changing technology evolves.

Jan 16, 2024
Boston University Law Review

Wearable AI, Bystander Notice, and the Question of Privacy Frictions

Zahra Takhshid makes an argument for mandating “privacy frictions” in wearable technology.

Jan 16, 2024
Rolling Stone

Oversight Board Calls Out Meta for ‘Failing’ to Protect LGBTQ People Online

Clinical Instructor Alejandra Caraballo discusses the Meta Oversight Board's finding that Meta has failed to protect LGBTQ people online.

Jan 16, 2024

Can cities shape future tech regulation?

Aileen Nielsen writes about city lawmaking compensating for national regulations in technology. 

Jan 11, 2024

Echo Chambers in Online Social Networks: A Systematic Literature Review

Dariusz Jemielniak and coauthors review the research literature on echo chambers in online social networks.

Jan 11, 2024
Cyberlaw Clinic Blog

Clinic Represents SPN and LCA in 1201 Rulemaking to Reduce Barriers to Software Preservation

The Cyberlaw Clinic, on behalf of the Software Preservation Network (SPN) and Library Copyright Alliance (LCA), sought to expand existing exemptions to allow for eligible memory…

Jan 8, 2024

AI Needs to Be Both Trusted and Trustworthy

Bruce Schneier explains the need for a rethinking of trust and governance to prepare for the future of AI.

Jan 8, 2024
Fast Company

Could Microsoft’s new Copilot key be an antitrust headache for the company?

Juan Ortiz Freuler spoke to Fast Company about Microsoft's new Copilot keyboard.

Jan 5, 2024
Harvard Law Today

Addressing the epidemic of high drug prices

Ruth Okediji discusses the Biden administration's recent proposal to use federal "march-in" rights to lower drug costs.

Jan 5, 2024
Foreign Policy

What AI Will Do to Elections

“It just makes the generation and dissemination of very realistic deepfakes and realistic-seeming deepfakes much, much easier,” Rumman Chowdhury told Foreign Policy when…

Jan 3, 2024
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