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Stories, videos, podcasts, and more from our community of staff, fellows, faculty associates, and affiliates

New York Times

Internet Hacking Is About to Get Much Worse

If our devices, information, and institutions are to remain secure, smart government regulation is inevitable

Oct 11, 2018
UC Irvine Law Review

Wicked Crypto

Government access to encrypted data is best conceptualized as a "wicked problem": one where the goals are unclear, the information is incomplete, and the solutions are always…

Oct 9, 2018
Design Use Build

What we lose when we move from social to market exchange

The shift away from social exchange and toward markets, and what this means for the sharing economy

Oct 9, 2018

It’s not enough for AI to be “ethical”; it must also be “rights respecting”

On the importance of thinking about both the human rights implications and the ethics of AI.

Oct 9, 2018
Open Tech Fund

Match Made in Heaven

Authoritarian States and Digital Surveillance

On the state of information controls in Azerbaijan

Oct 8, 2018

3 strategies journalists can use to uncover the effects of AI

Journalists have a new task at hand: to report on what information tech companies collect and to surface the extent to which public institutions use personal data

Oct 4, 2018
New York Times

Russian Meddling Is a Symptom, Not the Disease

Foreign meddling is to our politics what a fever is to tuberculosis: a mere symptom of a deeper problem.

Oct 3, 2018
Council on Foreign Relations

Three Problems with India’s Draft Data Protection Bill

India is attempting to create a complex new framework for data protection that will require firms to physically host user data, but they might be moving too fast.

Oct 3, 2018
Harvard Gazette

Why your online data isn’t safe

To really prioritize user privacy would also mean to compromise an underlying business model that has been very successful

Oct 2, 2018
Statistics at a Crossroads

Please Stop Doing Explainable ML

Cynthia Rudin shares her 10 minute presentation, “Please Stop Doing Explainable ML.”

Oct 2, 2018

Diagramming Platform Moderation Dilemmas

A Work in Progress

A theoretical model of platform moderation, and how sites like Twitter and Facebook should think about when and why to suppress certain objectionable content

Oct 1, 2018
Cato Institute

Network Propaganda: Manipulation, Disinformation, and Radicalization in American Politics

Yochai Benkler at the Cato Institute in Washington, DC.

Sep 28, 2018

Harvard Cyberlaw Clinic Backs Airbnb In Rowdy Guest Suit

Our Cyberlaw Clinic has urged the Ninth Circuit court not to touch a lower court decision ending a corporate landlord's lawsuit accusing Airbnb of helping tenants break building…

Sep 28, 2018

Evaluating the impact of artificial intelligence on human rights

Profiling six areas where current deployments of artificial intelligence are having an impact on human rights

Sep 27, 2018
The Tow Center for Digital Journalism

Network Propaganda

A discussion on how to think about technology, politics, and media in the post-truth moment

Sep 26, 2018

Wind is a Mozilla & National Science Foundation Grand Prize Winner

A service providing off-grid communications services to everyday people received the grand prize at the Wireless Innovation for a Networked Society (WINS) Challenge from Mozilla…

Sep 26, 2018

Sticks and Stones

Freedom of Speech in Europe and the U.S.

"The First Amendment is rather unique. Free speech is widely protected with very few exceptions."

Sep 21, 2018

Tech Leadership in an Era of Digital (Mis)Trust

New policies aim to protect the privacy and security of personal data. How can trust be strengthened in the digital economy?

Sep 20, 2018
Harvard Business Review

Platforms Should Become Information Fiduciaries

Internet companies need "information fiduciaries" to ensure that the consumer's best interest is kept at heart.

Sep 19, 2018

The Internet, AI and keeping Marketing Human

"We're all so aware of AI's tremendous power as a tool for manipulating customers and citizens that there are official calls to make AI dumber"

Sep 13, 2018