BKC Alumnus Ellery Roberts Biddle ruminates on social media companies' past mistakes and the potential to continue making such mistakes with the AI revolution.
BKC Fellow Lauren Bridges discusses a Chilean environmental court's decision to suspend the approval for Google to build a giant data center due to water access concerns.
BKC Affiliates Nathan Sanders and Bruce Schneier argue that big tech uses the conception of AI as a new "frontier" to excuse exploitation and a lack of oversight or accountability.
Susan Benesch and Catherine Buerger use the context of fentanyl and border crossings to explain the dangers of combining facts, lies, and emotional language.
BKC Affiliate Nathaniel Lubin comments on a recent study released by himself and co-authors, as well as what political ads may look like this election cycle.
BKC Faculty Associate Magda Romanska investigates posthuman disability studies and where the field fits in with conversations around modern technologies.
Apryl Williams describes dating app algorithms as a reinforcer of longstanding racial biases that privilege whiteness and deprioritize matching women of color.