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Feb 1, 2005

South Korea Inadvertently Blocks Thousands of Sites

A new study by the OpenNet Initiative (a research partnership of the Citizen Lab [University of Toronto], the Berkman Center, and the Advanced Network Research Group …

Jan 28, 2005

Battle of the Bundles

Berkman Affiliate Susie Lindsay reports again from the National Association of Television Program Executives Conference in Las Vegas to explain that telecom service providers are…

Jan 27, 2005

Media Consolidation and the FCC

Berkman Affiliate Susie Lindsay is attending this year's National Association of Television Program Executives conference in Las Vegas, and today she filed this report:Ted Turner…

Jan 25, 2005

Innovating Online Journalism in the Arab World

Daoud Kuttab, founder of the first Internet-radio station in the Arab World, AmmanNet, spoke at the Berkman Center today to describe his experiences using the internet to…

Jan 24, 2005

Conference Afterthoughts: Blogs and the Media

A number of attendees of last week's conference, Blogging, Journalism & Credibility, have posted afterthoughts and reviews of the discussion on their websites and blogs.

Jan 21, 2005

Battleground or Common ground?

On Friday, a group of bloggers, editors, and professional journalists debated online credibility and media (aka WebCred).

Jan 20, 2005

"WebCred" -- Debates on Blogging and Journalism

Tomorrow, Harvard's Shorenstein Center, the American Library Association, and the Berkman Center will co-host a roundtable discussion among bloggers, reporters, and academics…

Jan 19, 2005

A Year of Change in Digital Media

Today, the Berkman Center's Digital Media Project released a new report assessing how the digitization of music and movies has transformed not only businesses but copyright law…

Jan 18, 2005

Blocking Blogs in China

The popularity of blogs in China has skyrocketed in recent months.

Jan 14, 2005

PRX Announces "Zeitfunk" Awards

It's a perversion of the German words "Zeit" (time) and "Funk" (radio), explains PRX founder and Berkman Fellow Jake Shapiro.

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