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Mar 16, 2005

An Old Boys' Blogging Club?

Steven Levy’s column in the upcoming issue of Newsweek reports on a recent Harvard conference, and explores why, since anyone can write a blog, the top rung of the blogosphere is…

Mar 10, 2005

White House Credentials Its First Blogger

Marking a major turning point for bloggers, Harvard alumnus Garrett Graff ’03 this week became the first blogger to be granted a daily pass to the White House press briefing.

Mar 8, 2005

Registration for ILaw Turin Now Open

The Internet Law Program will be hosted by Dipartimento dei Sistemi di Produzione e di Economia dell'Azienda - Politecnico di Torino and Istituto di Elettronica e Ingegneria dell…

Mar 3, 2005

Faculty File Amicus Brief in Supreme Court Grokster Case

Professors Terry Fisher and Jonathan Zittrain and Berkman Center Executive Director John Palfrey submitted an amici curiae brief to the Supreme Court on March 1st in the closely…

Mar 1, 2005

Planned Webcasts This Week

Today we have the Berkman Center Luncheon Series with David Weinberger discussing "From Trees to Piles of Leaves - Taxonomies and Tags."  Also join us tomorrow from noon to 2pm…

Feb 28, 2005

Web of Ideas Wednesday Night: The Time of the Net

Many of our metaphors about the Internet treat it as a place, which is perfectly appropriate.

Feb 23, 2005

Professor Thomas Hoeren Shares Knowledge with Berkman, HLS, KSG

Called "The Lawrence Lessig of Europe," Professor Thomas Hoeren of the University of Münster Law School, Germany, joined the Berkman Center's luncheon series yesterday to…

Feb 18, 2005

Main Stream Media, Meet the Berkman Blog Group [Updated]

Last night, a crew from ABC's "Nightline" filmed the Berkman Center Thursday blog meeting.  A record turnout, somewhat ironically, ensued; despite the enormous crowd, interesting…

Feb 18, 2005

ONI Leaders Comment on the Real Reason for Chinese Internet Cafe Closings

An article dated February 17th on Red Herring revealed widely what the OpenNet Initiative team already knew -- that though the Chinese government has indeed ordered the…

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