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Jan 13, 2005

Cyberscholars, Unite

Tonight, the Harvard-Yale Cyberscholar Working Group, a group of academics and internet experts, are meeting at the Berkman Center to discuss and debate two new research inquiries…

Jan 12, 2005

Apple Sues Bloggers

Several reports have emerged that Apple is suing bloggers who leaked secrets about Apple products, scheduled for debut at MacWorld Expo this week.

Jan 11, 2005

Journalism, Credibility, CBS, and Blogs

Yesterday, the independent panel investigating the "CBS memos" controversy resulted in the dismissal of four network executives (see this NYT report).

Jan 7, 2005

New Research Report: Business Models for Digital Media

Today, the Berkman Center's Digital Media Project released a new research report that examines emerging business models for digital media distribution and the policy questions…

Jan 6, 2005

Lawyer-Free Remix?

This Creative Commons-sponsored audio feature by producer Benjamen Walker examines art, culture, and history of the remix.

Jan 5, 2005

Democratizing the Net

Larry Lessig, Stanford Law Professor and author of the recent book, Free Culture, was featured on yesterday's NPR show, The Connection.

Jan 4, 2005

Is the Web a Medium or a World?

This question will be the focus of the next Web of Ideas, a discussion group led by Berkman Fellow and author David Weinberger. As Weinberger explains, "At one level, the Web is…

Jan 4, 2005

<--The Filter--> January 2005

Your regular dose of public-interest Internet news and commentary from the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School.

Jan 3, 2005

Global Voices Audio Show

Berkman Fellow Rebecca MacKinnon and radio producer Benjamen Walker put together this audio report about the Global Voices track of our conference last month, Votes, Bits & Bytes.

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