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Mar 24, 2005

Testing Internet Filtering Worldwide: The Saudi & Chinese Approaches

Today Jonathan Zittrain and John Palfrey will present research done through the Open Net Initiative on Internet filtering in Saudi Arabia and China as part of the East Asian Legal…

Mar 23, 2005

Signal or Noise 2k5: Creative Revolution?

Register today to attend Signal or Noise II: Creative Revolution? on April 8.

Mar 22, 2005

Internet a Catalyst for Democracy?

Berkman Fellow Michael Best, Assistant Professor with the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at Georgia Tech, has recently focused his work on the question, “Will the…

Mar 21, 2005

Anonymity vs. Pseudonymity

At a recent Board of Selectmen meeting in Walpole, Mass., board members held Gary Nelson, owner and administrator of the community's website,, accountable for recent…

Mar 21, 2005

Brown Bag Tomorrow on Social Effects of Technology

Join Robert Putnam (see photo) and Thomas Sander on March 22nd at noon for a brown bag lunch on the social effects of technology.

Mar 18, 2005

Update on China's 'Great Firewall'

Berkman affiliate Benjamen Walker writes here about his panel presentation at last week's SXSW conference.

Mar 17, 2005

Webcast for Today's Hearing on Patent Appeals

Click here at 3:30 pm today to access a live webcast of the House IP Subcommittee's hearing on "Holmes Group, the Federal Circuit, and the State of Patent Appeals." Holmes Group…

Mar 17, 2005

<--The Filter--> March 2005

Your regular dose of public-interest Internet news and commentary from the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School.

Mar 16, 2005

Tonight's ILC Speakers: Cass Sunstein and Pew Researchers

University of Chicago law professor Cass Sunstein will discuss "The Nightmare and the Noble Dream: Extremism and Information Aggregation on the Internet" at tonight's Internet Law…

Mar 16, 2005

Announcing a New Study on Internet Filtering

The OpenNet Initiative (of which the Berkman Center is a part) just released a study documenting Internet filtering in the United Arab Emirates.

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