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Media Consolidation and the FCC

Berkman Affiliate Susie Lindsay is attending this year's National Association of Television Program Executives conference in Las Vegas, and today she filed this report:

Ted Turner and FCC Commissioner Michael J. Copps have voiced concern over media concentration. Both warned that consolidation of media companies undermines the democratic process, and that a rapidly expanding multi-channel universe doesn’t save diversity when the channels are all owned by the same five corporations. Mr. Turner laid heavy criticism on the U.S. network business saying that they dumb down the news and fail to adequately cover important international events. “A little less Hollywood news and a little more hard news would probably be good for society.” Commissioner Copps said that anything with “independent” seems to be on the endangered list, programming is geared toward 18-34 year olds and the young, elderly and minority populations are left out. Commissioner Copps suggested that 25-35% of prime time hours should be for independent production. The FCC should be nourishing the creative trades which are essential for America’s civil dialogue.