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Nov 14, 2007

Radio Open Source Returns

Berkman Alum Chris Lydon and Radio Open Source have found a new home at the Watson Institute at Brown University, where they join fellow emeritus and Watson Associate Director…

Nov 14, 2007

Miro 1.0 Launched

Miro, the open source internet TV application, has just launched Miro 1.0! From Berkman friend, and Participatory Culture Foundation staff member, Dean Jansen:Today, I helped…

Nov 14, 2007

Up on Downloading

Its revenues devastated by illegal music downloading and copying, the music industry is struggling with a full-blown crisis. Professor Terry Fisher offers a radical solution:…


Lumen collects and studies online content removal requests, providing transparency and supporting research and analysis of the Web's notice and takedown ecosystem, in terms of who…

Nov 14, 2007

Give One Get One - XO Laptops Abound and Abroad!

The production lines have begun to roll, and the multiplication can't be stopped.This past Monday, One Laptop per Child began their "Give One Get One" program.  Until the 26th of…

Nov 14, 2007

Breaking Down Digital Barriers: International Study Examines the Issue of Interoperability

Innovation, consumer choice and competition most important considerations. Private sector well-suited to lead interoperability efforts

Washington, DC - The findings of an international study released today by researchers from the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School and the Research Center…

Nov 13, 2007

Citizen Media Law Project Launches Legal Threats Database

From David Ardia of the Citizen Media Law Project...We've finally finished building the interface for our Legal Threats Database, and I am excited to announce its public launch.

Nov 13, 2007

Berkman Luncheon Series - Gary Kebbel on “The Knight News Challenge and Digital Innovation"

This afternoon, Knight Foundation Program Officer Gary Kebbel gave a Berkman Luncheon Series talk on “The Knight News Challenge and Digital Innovation: Challenges Posed by…

Nov 13, 2007

Information Technology and Governance: From Electronic Government to Information Government - Tomorrow at the KSG

David Lazer and Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, our friends at the Kennedy School of Government, will be hosting a one day symposium tomorrow in Cambridge on their book …

Nov 13, 2007

"Social Network Sites" - Special Issue of the JCMC

The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication has released their new issue, complete with a special "Social Network Sites" theme section.  Berkman fellow…

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