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Miro 1.0 Launched

Miro, the open source internet TV application, has just launched Miro 1.0! From Berkman friend, and Participatory Culture Foundation staff member, Dean Jansen:

Today, I helped launch Miro 1.0, and I'm beyond psyched!

Miro is at:

is free internet TV. If you haven't picked it up, now is the perfect time to give it a shot (especially with all the reruns on cable). It will play almost any video on the internet and has 2700+ channels.

I've been working for almost 2 years with this tiny (12 person) non-profit organization. We have a unique vision: as television moves online, we think it should function like the rest of the internet (open and decentralized, that is). Miro is our way of pushing openness into the mainstream.

Amazingly, we're going head-to-head with multi-million dollar venture-backed startups, most of which are aiming to lock down portions of the video distribution/consumption chain. We've created an internet TV experience that competes right alongside, and often surpasses, these companies' offerings.

Let me know what you think of it.

Congrats to the PCF team!  Get Miro 1.0 at its website now, and be sure to explore the Miro blog and ways to get involved in the project.