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Nov 5, 2007

Users Educating Users

This past Friday announced the winner of their Cookie Crumbles Contest.

Nov 5, 2007

Hub2 Open House on Boston Island, 1:00-1:30pm EST

From Berkman fellow Gene Koo...The Emerson student section of the Hub2 project will be holding an open house for the public to explore and test their work on Tuesday, Nov 6, from…

Nov 5, 2007

Pakistan: Emergency Declared - No News, No Internet.

From Neha Viswanathan of Global Voices...President Musharraf has declared a state of emergency in Pakistan.

Nov 2, 2007

Berkman Buzz, week of October 29

BERKMAN BUZZ: A look at the past week's online Berkman conversationsThe Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law SchoolWeek of October 29, 2007* * * * * * * * * * …

Nov 2, 2007

24/7 DIY Video Summit Registration Opens

Folks over at the USC Institute for Multimedia Literacy have just opened the registration for 24/7: A DIY Video Summit.From their release: "Video creators,…

Nov 2, 2007

Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship

From Berkman fellow danah boyd...For over a year now, Nicole Ellison and I have been working on putting together a special issue of JCMC on "Social Network Sites." Not all of the…

Nov 1, 2007

EFF Releases Guidelines to Balance Fair Use and Copyright

Fair use is typically a tricky road to travel.  Content owners tend to hold a more conservative view than those seeking to reuse, repurpose, or remix their material.  As Andrew…

Nov 1, 2007

Macs get viruses too

From Berkman co-founder Jonathan Zittrain...A lot of my recent work concerns how vulnerable the Internet is to bad code — in particular, how easily the generative PCs hooked up to…

Nov 1, 2007

ICANN: Deja vu day

From Berkman fellow Wendy Seltzer...ICANN’s GNSO council is hosting its open meeting this morning.

Oct 31, 2007

<-- The Filter --> September 2007

Your regular dose of public-interest Internet news and commentary from the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School.

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