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EFF Releases Guidelines to Balance Fair Use and Copyright

Fair use is typically a tricky road to travel.  Content owners tend to hold a more conservative view than those seeking to reuse, repurpose, or remix their material.  As Andrew McLaughlin noted in last week’s episode of Berkman.TV, the back-and-forth between YouTube and video content owners is just one case that highlights the desire and need for discussion revolving around these issues. 

Some of the solutions offered have received mixed reviews, but our friends at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) have offered up another option.  Yesterday, they announced the release of their Fair Use Principles that...

set out six concrete guidelines designed to minimize the collateral damage that copyright enforcement efforts may inflict on video creators who are "remixing" copyrighted material into new video creations.

Visit the EFF site to see the complete list of principles, as well as fair use videos that are in danger of being flagged as copyright infringements.  After the success of the guidelines for documentary filmmakers that the Center for Social Media produced earlier this year the prospect of standardizing fair use continues to gain momentum.