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"Social Network Sites" - Special Issue of the JCMC

The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication has released their new issue, complete with a special "Social Network Sites" theme section.  Berkman fellow danah boyd, along with Nicole Ellison, edited the SNS section, ensuring that the contents are must reads.  The JCMC notes that, to their knowledge, "this is the first published collection of research into this popular new phenomenon."

Check out the hard work of the editors and of all the authors, including Berkman fellow Judith Donath and Berkman friend Eszter Hargittai, over at the journal site.

Readings include:

- "Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship" by danah boyd and Nicole Ellison
- "Signals in Social Supernets" by Judith Donath
- "Social Network Profiles as Taste Performances" by Hugo Liu
- "Whose Space? Differences Among Users and Non-Users of Social Network Sites" by Eszter Hargittai
- "Cying for Me, Cying for Us: Relational Dialectics in a Korean Social Network Site" by Kyung-Hee Kim and Haejin Yun
- "Public Discourse, Community Concerns, and Civic Engagement: Exploring Black Social Networking Traditions on" by Dara Byrne
- "Mobile Social Networks and Social Practice: A Case Study of Dodgeball" by Lee Humphreys
- "Publicly Private and Privately Public: Social Networking on YouTube" by Patricia Lange