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Nov 15, 2018

Get to Know Berkman Klein Fellow Mindy Seu

a spotlight on one of our 2018-2019 BKC Fellows

Berkman Klein Center Summer Interns, Skyler Sallick and Juliana Castro, speak at length with Mindy Seu, a 2018-19 Fellow at BKC, about her archival digitization philosophy

Nov 15, 2018

Get to Know Berkman Klein Fellow Titi Akinsanmi

a spotlight on one of our 2018-2019 BKC Fellows

by Mehdi Khrichfa & Hugh Jones This interview is part of a collaborative effort between the summer 2018 BKC interns and the Communications team to showcase…

Schneier on Security

Information Attacks against Democracies

The same fake news techniques that benefit autocracies by making everyone unsure about political alternatives undermine democracies by making people question the common political…

Nov 15, 2018

Cosmolocalism in a nutshell

Vasilis Kostakis describes sustainable, commons-based design and manufacture in prosthetics & in agricultural machinery for small farms.

Nov 15, 2018

Bozeman Computer Museum gets a boost from surprised visitor

There’s a special room dedicated to women in computing. Yelton posted a selfie of herself in the room, posting: “Yes, I am totally taking a selfie in this particular exhibit.”

Nov 14, 2018

From QAnon to Pizzagate, When Online Conspiracies Form Cults

We used to worry about filter bubbles, which accidentally trap users in a certain sphere of information. In the era of social networks, the bubble has expanded.

Nov 13, 2018
Boston 25 News

Unlocking your phone’s secrets

Devices give access to those willing to pay up

David O’Brien on tools used by law enforcement to crack into suspects' personal digital devices

Nov 13, 2018
Boston Review

Selling Outrage

Yochai Benkler argues that the mainstream media is our best hope for tempering the radical right.

Nov 12, 2018

Should we Kik anonymous messaging to the curb?

How the anonymous messaging platform Kik should approach safety for its young audience

Nov 12, 2018
El Pais

The Leaders of the Big Technology Think Themselves Smarter than Others

Jonathan Zittrain says the chances that the Internet will be a engine for positivity are lower than they were ten years ago

Nov 12, 2018
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