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Senior Software Engineer, Applied Social Media Lab

Senior Software Engineer, Applied Social Media Lab


The Applied Social Media Lab (ASML) is a new initiative of Harvard University’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society. Our two-year mission is to build social media solutions that center the public interest. We are assembling a team of industry-trained technologists to work with experts from academia and civil society to build new software, protocols, and designs to foster healthier human connections. Teams of industry-trained engineers, designers, and product managers will work in flexible pods organized around key challenges and opportunities such as transparency and governance, decentralized networks, online safety, and healthy discourse.

As a senior software engineer at the ASML, you will work with a small cross-functional team of engineers, product managers, and researchers to design, build, and test new kinds of social media technology. We are looking for full-stack engineers who can work on mobile and web applications, from backend storage to user interface design. You’ll empower the broader developer community to build the future of social media by creating and expanding open-source applications. You’ll also have access to extensive learning resources and support to grow your technical skillset and learn new languages or frameworks as project needs evolve. As part of an experimental organization, you should be comfortable with rapid and iterative development in search of insight and impact. You will champion engineering best practices while centering principles such as accessibility, transparency, data privacy, and user consent.

As a Senior Software Engineer you will:

  • Build and test new social media infrastructure using languages such as TypeScript, JavaScript, Dart, Python, Rust, or Go Engage with senior ASML management and external stakeholders (e.g., open-source project leaders) to integrate ASML technology with the larger tech ecosystem 
  • Collaborate with other ASML projects to identify technical areas of cross-pollination 
  • Propose innovative ways to shape social media's future 
  • Engage with the larger BKC community (e.g., by attending workshops and seminars) to stay abreast of current developments in the social media (and public-interest technology more generally)

Basic Qualifications

Minimum of five years’ post-secondary education or relevant work experience

Additional Qualifications and Skills

We are looking for people who have:


  • Experience working in least one of the following languages: TypeScript, JavaScript, Dart, Python, Rust, or Go 
  • The ability to work independently and collaboratively on open-ended problems in ambiguous spaces 
  • Effective communication skills that can convey complex topics to both technical and non-technical audiences

Experience in one or more of the following areas is a plus:

  • Developing mobile applications using Flutter and deploying them to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 
  • Working with decentralized systems, peer-to-peer networking, or related tooling. This includes, but is not limited to: Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), DIDComm, verifiable credentials, end-to-end encryption protocols, OAuth, OpenID, ActivityPub, XMPP, AT Protocol, DSNP, Matrix, Nostr, Solid, or Beckn 
  • Implementing zero-knowledge proof protocols and systems
  • Implementing machine learning techniques or processes such as prompt-based learning, finetuning, Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), and inference

Work Format Details

This position may be performed in-person or remotely; the option for hybrid work is also available.

Employees may work from any of the Harvard Registered Payroll States, which currently includes Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, Washington, and California (CA for exempt positions only). Certain visa types and funding sources may limit work location. Individuals must meet work location sponsorship requirements prior to employment.

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