Skip to the main content's 2018 Word Of The Year Is "Misinformation"

Watch these experts help explain “Misinformation” in 2018

Nov 22, 2018
Global Network Initiative

Ten Years of the Global Network Initiative

How GNI works to counteract the pressures on companies to act in ways that may pose risks for users’ rights

Nov 20, 2018

Victoria Borneman

Victoria Borneman is at the Berkman Klein Center

Just Security

Prosecuting Wikileaks, Protecting Press Freedoms

Drawing the Line at Knowing Collaboration with a Foreign Intelligence Agency

The inadvertent disclosure of the likely existence of a sealed indictment against Julian Assange raises the question of what the constitutional implications of such an indictment…

Nov 19, 2018

The Most Damaging Election Disinformation Campaign Came From Donald Trump, Not Russia

The Kremlin has been focused on undermining trust in American democracy and elections, but Donald Trump and the Republicans have done it better than Russia ever could.

Nov 19, 2018
Harvard Gazette
Nov 19, 2018

Funny or creepy? MetaLab researcher creates sitcom-like experience

‘Laughing Room,’ metaLab researcher’s installation, turns a visit to the library into a sitcom-like experience — only deeper

NYU Press

The Digital Edge

How Black and Latino Youth Navigate Digital Inequality

Andres Lombana-Bermudez contributes to a new book about how black and Latino youth learn, create, and collaborate online.

Nov 16, 2018

Surveillance Kills Freedom By Killing Experimentation

How surveillance hurts our democratic values

Nov 16, 2018
Forbes Mexico

MIT awards Paola Villareal for translating the racial bias in the US into data

BKC affliate Paola Villareal wins the Inovators Under 35 Latam award for a tool that reversed 20,000 sentences based on discriminatory arrests

Nov 16, 2018
Nov 16, 2018

Get to Know Berkman Klein Fellow Nick-Brie Guarriello

The blurred lines between recreation and research, the challenge of satisfying the self versus the fanbase, and the balance between teaching and research in academia.

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