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The Government’s Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Case Against Assange

Assange is accused of conspiring to violate the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Proving that may be tricky.

Charges against Assange and implications for journalism

Apr 11, 2019
Apr 10, 2019

The Law and the Digital World

The AGTech Forum at Harvard Law gives state attorneys general a place to learn about technological changes and strategize about how the law can keep up

Insight for Attorney Generals into privacy and emerging technologies

McGill-Queen's University Press

Media and Mass Atrocity

The Rwanda Genocide and Beyond

How African media cover atrocities on their own continent

Apr 9, 2019
Tech Empire

The Quantified Worker and Worker Surveillance

Impacts of new tech in the workplace

Apr 9, 2019
MIT Press

The Smart Enough City

Putting Technology in Its Place to Reclaim Our Urban Future

Taking an exclusively technical view of urban life will lead to cities that appear smart but under the surface are rife with injustice and inequality

Apr 8, 2019
The Exchange

The Challenges and Nuance of Crypto Regulation

The present and future regulation of cryptocurrency

Apr 8, 2019
Just Security

The Pentagon Wants to Streamline Security Clearances by Using AI. That’s a Dangerous Idea.

Emerging AI and security clearance at the Department of Defense

Apr 8, 2019

Cornell Professor Ifeoma Ajunwa Discusses Artificial Intelligence Used In Hiring

Is it possible for AI to completely eliminate human bias in the hiring process? Ifeoma Ajunwa doesn't think so.

Apr 8, 2019
Aargauer Zeitung

Teenagers and Social Media: The Fake Account is More Real

Identity and the dichotomy between real and fake on Instagram

Apr 7, 2019

The Paradox of Automation as Anti-Bias Intervention

In some instances, automated decision-making has served to replicate and amplify bias.

Apr 7, 2019
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