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New York Review of Books

Fall from Grace

"Network Propaganda" shines a light on the dark side of democracy.

Mar 21, 2019

Thomas Kadri

Thomas Kadri is a Ph.D. candidate at Yale Law School, a Resident Fellow at the Yale Information Society Project, and a Mellon Fellow.  His…

Harvard Law Today

The “Smart Enough” City

Can the cities of tomorrow be both technologically advanced and socially just?

The promise of Smart Cities often fails to acknowledge the complex political and social factors of cities, which may cause short and long term harms to residents and democracy

Mar 21, 2019

Adversarial attacks on medical AI: A health policy challenge

Emerging vulnerabilities demand new conversations

Technical solutions alone aren't enough to address vulnerabilities in machine learning systems

Mar 21, 2019

Andreas Reckwitz

Andreas Reckwitz is professor of sociology at the European University of Frankfurt/ Oder, Germany. He is currently Thomas-Mann-Fellow at the Thomas…


Dr. Tressie McMillan Cottom: Raising Really Good Hell for People Who Cannot

The sociologist speaks on owning her authority, taking black women seriously, and how she shaped her trenchant new essay collection, Thick

Mar 20, 2019
How We Get to Next

Scientists Like Me Are Studying Your Tweets—Are You OK With That?

"Public" data ethics: Best practices for social media researchers

Anything “public” on social media may be fair game, but researchers should be more ethical about using that data

Mar 19, 2019
LegalTech News

Harvard and MIT Fund Deepfake Detection, Government Transparency AI Tools

Awarding $750,000 to seven organizations, including ones that help detect deepfakes and promote open access of government data

AI and the News Announces winners

Mar 19, 2019
Just Security

A Legislative Shot at Internet of Things Security

A recently unveiled proposal for regulating the Internet of Things in the US falls short in some areas, but could make some significant strides towards advancing the status quo

Mar 19, 2019
The Atlantic

How Hate Groups’ Secret Sound System Works

White supremacists exploit the weaknesses in the social-media ecosystem as Facebook and Google struggle to keep up.

Mar 17, 2019
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