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Free Speech is Circular

Trump, Twitter, and the Public Interest

Jun 1, 2020
HKS Journal of African American Policy

Automated Anti-Blackness

An essay by Mutale Nkonde

May 31, 2020

Trump's Executive Order Is the Most Futile Attack on 230 Yet

Though his executive order follows a line of misguided, bipartisan swings at the protections for online platforms, this one is distinctively terrible, John Bowers says.

May 30, 2020

Trump's Tweets Force Twitter Into a High-Wire Act

evelyn douek cautions against expecting a platform like Twitter to completely solve the problems of political discourse.

May 29, 2020
Dangerous Speech Project

As Twitter Takes on Trump, It Must Explain Itself

Susan Benesch argues that when it comes to Trump's tweets, Twitter must explain clearly how or why a tweet violated its policy.

May 29, 2020
On the Media

Boiling Point

Apryl Williams examines the Karen meme and what it tells us about criticism of privilege in the pandemic and Jessie Daniels discusses the history of white women in racial dynamics…

May 29, 2020

Margaret Bourdeaux

Margaret Bourdeaux, MD, MPH, conducts research and field work focused on health systems and institutions in conflict affected states

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