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The Wall Street Journal

Google, Apple Struggle to Regulate Covid-19 Tracing Apps

Quentin Palfrey led research study of more than 100 apps

Jun 5, 2020

Yves Daccord

Yves Daccord is a renowned humanitarian leader, international strategist, influencer and changemaker. Yves is currently leading the first-ever…

Jun 4, 2020

The Breakdown: Claire Wardle on disinformation and today’s journalistic conventions

Unpacking journalists’ role in debunking (and inadvertently spreading) disinformation

Unpacking journalists’ role in debunking (and inadvertently spreading) disinformation

The Hill

Conspiracy theories run rampant online amid Floyd protests

Joan Donovan explains the power social media has in spreading misinformation

Jun 3, 2020
MIT Technology Review

Why filming police violence has done nothing to stop it

Ethan Zuckerman says evidentiary images on their own don’t bring about change. What’s missing is power.

Jun 3, 2020
Digital Privacy News

Facebook’s Small Business Grants Come With a Big Catch: Your Data

Elizabeth Renieris spoke with Digital Privacy News about Facebook's small business grants program

Jun 3, 2020
The New York Times

People Can’t Stop Watching Videos of Police and Protesters. That’s the Idea.

Supercuts of police behavior are receiving enormous numbers of views.

Jun 2, 2020
Bloomberg Quint

Surveillance Technology Will Only Get More Intense After Covid

Bruce Schneier on contact tracing apps:  “The smartphone is the most invasive surveillance device our species has ever invented. I don’t see what’s happening now [during…

Jun 2, 2020

Community and technology

Noa Gafni on how citizens are self-organizing during the COVID-19 crisis

Jun 2, 2020
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