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With a Side of Knowledge

Mutale Nkonde on AI and bias

Mutale Nkonde discusses AI, algorithmic bias, and why we need humans on Notre Dame’s With a Side of Knowledge Podcast

May 28, 2020
May 28, 2020

Framework For the Ethical Use of Advanced Data Science Methods in the Humanitarian Sector

Action-orientated steps to innovate in an ethical, responsible, and practical way.

Action-orientated steps to innovate in an ethical, responsible, and practical way.

The Atlantic

Trump Is a Problem That Twitter Cannot Fix

When a duly elected president is bent on spreading misinformation, tech companies can rein him in only so much, writes evelyn douek.

May 27, 2020
May 27, 2020

Looking Back at 2019-20, The Cyberlaw Clinic’s 20th Anniversary Year

An overview of the past year at the Cyberlaw Clinic

Worker Health Monitoring Post-COVID-19 Raises Equity and Public Health Concerns

BKC's Mary Gray on the role of corporations in public health and worker surveillance

May 26, 2020
ABC News

Who is spreading COVID-19 misinformation and why

The many different groups and individuals that spread false information.

May 26, 2020
The New York Times

Twitter Grapples Anew With Its Trump Conundrum

Joan Donovan weighs in on Twitter creating a carve-out for public leaders

May 26, 2020
Harvard International Review

COVID-19: The Need for a New Global Compact

Padmashree Gehl Sampath on the need for a global response to tackle the impact of COVID-9.

May 25, 2020

Digital Bingeing: Time On Screens During COVID-19

We're turning to screens more than ever during the coronavirus pandemic. But what are the implications of spending so much time online?

May 22, 2020

A Place Where We Can Be Together

Animal Crossing reclaims a sense of control in our daily lives

Dragana Kaurin reflects on playing Animal Crossing during the pandemic

May 21, 2020
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