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Dragana Kaurin is a human rights researcher, and founder of The Localization Lab, an organization that facilitates localization and user feedback between developers and end users.

She will be focusing her research on developing a collaborative user framework for local partners to be able to provide usability and technical feedback directly to developers of civic tech tools, such as circumvention technology, and digital security and privacy tools, to better identify unmet user needs and develop the norm of developing this technology with your end user, and not just for them.


Feb 5, 2019

Get to Know Berkman Klein Fellow Dragana Kaurin

a spotlight on one of our 2018-2019 BKC Fellows

Dragana's work is committed to "de-colonizing the net" and helping to empower communities worldwide in overcoming language and cultural barriers on the Internet.


UCLA Center for Critical Internet Inquiry

Human Rights Racial Equality & New Information Technologies

Human Rights Racial Equality & New Information Technologies

Jul 8, 2020
Digital Freedom Fund

The Grave and Growing Dangers of Border Surveillance

Technological systems should be reimagined to include the needs and the rights of refugees, Dragana Kaurin argues.

Jun 20, 2020

A Place Where We Can Be Together

Animal Crossing reclaims a sense of control in our daily lives

Dragana Kaurin reflects on playing Animal Crossing during the pandemic

May 21, 2020

ICE now uses cellphone location data to help arrest immigrants

Dragana Kaurin speaks to the problems that arise when law enforcement uses location data.

Feb 7, 2020
Public Radio Tulsa

Does Facebook Need A Humanitarian Partner For Its New Digital Currency?

Dragana Kaurin says that Libra is getting more out of the relationship than Mercy Corps

Jul 19, 2019

Why Libra Needs A Humanitarian Fig Leaf

Facebook says its Libra payment platform promises benefits to the poor and unbanked. NGO Mercy Corps is lending its credibility to that social impact promise, but at what cost?

Jul 8, 2019
World Refugee Council

Data Protection and Digital Agency for Refugees

How the vast amount of data collected from refugees is gathered, stored and shared today

May 14, 2019

Technology to Combat Authoritarianism

Localization Lab founder and Berkman Klein fellow Dragana Kaurin talks about communication tools to protect refugees, journalists, and human rights activists.

May 13, 2019