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Stories, videos, podcasts, and more from our community of staff, fellows, faculty associates, and affiliates

The Wall Street Journal

Robots Are Taking Over (the Rental Screening Process)

Landlords are using artificial intelligence to vet prospective renters

Nov 21, 2019

What should newsrooms do about deepfakes? These three things, for starters

Researchers argue the dangers of deepfakes are overblown, but they will still require journalists to give thought to how they handle unconfirmed information.

Nov 20, 2019

High school students, social media and the illusion of free speech

Joan Donovan shares insights on a recently released report on high school students’ views on First Amendment protections

Nov 20, 2019

The U.S. needs to “get AI right” — and fast — says government group

Ryan Budish discusses a report from the National Security Commission on AI

Nov 19, 2019
The Boston Globe

A legal lens on home

Law and documentary film may seem far apart, but they actually share many connections

Nov 18, 2019

Disney+ Has a Hacking Problem

David O’Brien talks password security with Gizmodo

Nov 18, 2019

Hardly Anybody Shares Fake News

Radio and cable TV are bigger conduits for conspiracy theories.

Nov 16, 2019

Don’t Red Team AI Like a Chump

Ariel Herbert-Voss on attacking machine learning systems

Nov 15, 2019

Why we need a more forgiving legal system

Martha Minow on the possibilities of restorative justice.

Nov 15, 2019
The Wall Street Journal

How Google Interferes With Its Search Algorithms and Changes Your Results

The internet giant uses blacklists, algorithm tweaks and an army of contractors to shape what you see

Nov 15, 2019
The Atlantic

Let Juries Review Facebook Ads

Social-media giants can’t decide how far is too far, but a panel of regular people can.

Nov 14, 2019
University of Washington

Building better online communities

Researcher uses high-performance computing to understand how online communities work

Nov 13, 2019

Mutale Nkonde featured for her work on biased algorithms

BKC fellow one of four women featured

Nov 12, 2019

AI ethics is all about power

Mutale Nkonde suggests tech and AI companies embrace racial literacy

Nov 11, 2019
The Boston Globe

Facebook’s new dating service is flopping.

BKC fellow Apryl Williams sheds light on online dating and context collapse

Nov 8, 2019
The Guardian

The rise of microchipping: are we ready for technology to get under the skin?

As implants grow more common, experts fear surveillance and exploitation of workers.

Nov 8, 2019
Harvard Law Today

Forgiveness in an age of ‘justified resentments’

Martha Minow explores the complicated intersection of the law, justice, and forgiveness

Nov 6, 2019
Centre for International Governance Innovation

What Does Twitter's Ban on Political Ads Mean for Platform Governance?

Joan Donovan and Elizabeth Dubois weigh in

Nov 5, 2019
Digital Journalism

Connecting the (Far-)Right Dots: A Topic Modeling and Hyperlink Analysis of (Far-)Right Media Coverage during the US Elections 2016

Research discusses the relevance of alternative media for the US (far-)right

Nov 5, 2019
Harvard Business Review

Is AI Bias a Corporate Social Responsibility Issue?

Improving algorithms isn’t just good for your company, Mutale Nkonde says

Nov 4, 2019