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Journal of Social Computing

Connecting Race to Ethics Related to Technology: A Call for Critical Tech Ethics

Jenny Korn pushes for the creation of "critical tech ethics" as a way to improve technologies, including the Internet, and reduce the propagation of ongoing racial injustices.

Dec 1, 2021
Journal of Social Computing

Algorithmic Silence: A Call to Decomputerize

Jonnie Penn writes that tech critics should be wary of naturalizing a dependency on digital tools.

Dec 1, 2021
The University of Chicago Law Review

What is Privacy? That's the Wrong Question

Woodrow Hartzog writes that “Privacy is still a concept in disarray. But that’s okay."

Nov 24, 2021
Nov 24, 2021

BKC incorporating "#GoodID" into research and programs

#GoodID, an effort to catalyze constructive conversation around digital identity, will be a part of the Center's research and programming in the coming year.

metaLAB (at) Harvard

#MeToo Anti-Network

A metaLAB (at) Harvard project illustrates how a movement such as #MeToo is constituted by masses of unobserved tweets.

Nov 23, 2021

What a datafied worldview means for human rights

Juan Ortiz Freuler sketches the challenges of datafication for human rights.

Nov 22, 2021
Money Reimagined

New Money and Contemporary Capitalism

Patrick Murck discusses the potential for cryptocurrencies to help shift into an abundance mindset.

Nov 19, 2021

Decentralized Identity: Your Reputation Travels With You

Jad Esber and a colleague explore reputation systems in web3.

Nov 18, 2021
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