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Jul 9, 2004 For Sale on eBay?

"It's the only fair thing to do," said Kerry Edwards, an Illinois man who has owned the domain name for years. Edwards, who originally paid $25 for the site and…

Jul 7, 2004

International Spam Fighters

The International Telecommunication Union is hosting a conference this week dedicated to initiatives to fight spam, a "plague" of today's online world, according to the ITU.

Jul 6, 2004

Politics -- Plug In!

With the 2004 elections just around the corner, questions about youth and political participation have fallen into the spotlight once again. While nearly every study confirms…

Jul 1, 2004

iTunes Europe – A Preliminary Report

In its first week of operation in Britain, France, and Germany, iTunes Europe sold an impressive 800,000 songs –- outpacing its nearest competitor by a margin of 16:1.  While…

Jun 30, 2004

Zittrain on COPA and the First Amendment

Yesterday, the Supreme Court again blocked enforcement of the Child Online Protection Act (COPA), citing that it has not yet been proved that voluntary use of Internet filters…

Jun 28, 2004

Judge Upholds Barbie Art

Since 1999, Mattel, the manufacturer of Barbie, has been locked in lawsuits with artist Tom Forsythe for his controversial artwork that depicts the doll in various poses. …

Jun 25, 2004

Don't Beat Them, Join Them

In an op-ed in today's The New York Times, Berkman Center Director William Fisher puts the latest round of recording industry lawsuits in perspective. Fisher describes a…

Jun 25, 2004

Dan Geer on Epidemiology and Computer Viruses

Dan Geer, an expert on risk and information security, visited the Berkman Center this week to share his perspective on data security.

Jun 22, 2004

Internet Governance -- What Does it Mean and What Can We Do?

Eighteen experts from various fields gathered at the Berkman Center last week for a summit on the thorny and elusive subject of International Internet Governance.

Jun 21, 2004

Report on the Information Commons

The Free Expression Policy Project, a think tank based at NYU School of Law, recently released a report outlining the current state of the "Information Commons" and new models for…

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