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Aug 24, 2004

Looking Behind the "Great Firewall" of China

A new bulletin from the OpenNet Initiative (a research partnership of the Citizen Lab, the Berkman Center, and the Advanced Network Research Group) peels back some of the layers…

Aug 23, 2004

Zittrain Weighs In on the Google IPO

In his op-ed, Score a victory for the P in IPO, Berkman Center Co-Director Jonathan Zittrain argues that the quirks of Google's IPO mirror the technology for the search engine…

Aug 20, 2004

The Going Rate for Google

GOOG -- Wall Street's symbol for the nation's leading search engine -- closed its first week of public trading above $100.

Aug 19, 2004

Grokster Decision Affirmed by 9th Circuit

Today the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed the district court’s decision in MGM v.Grokster (pdf) that distributors of software using the Gnutella and FastTrack…

Aug 19, 2004

<-- The Filter --> August 2004

Your regular dose of public-interest Internet news and commentary from the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School.

Aug 18, 2004

In Playboy Interview, Google Founders Nod to Berkman

In the much talked-about interview of Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page in Playboy (now included in Google's SEC filing), Brin and Page were questioned about China's…

Aug 17, 2004

Trading Privacy for a Speedy Check-In

The Transportation Security Administration recently launched a new program called Registered Traveler, which would allow customers who fly from certain cities to exchange personal…

Aug 17, 2004

Berkman Center Seeking Staff Assistant

Looking for a job in an exciting new environment?&nbsp; Have an interest in technology and/or the law?&nbsp; The Berkman Center is seeking&nbsp;a Staff Assistant to provide…

Aug 16, 2004

Palfrey and New Hampshire Public Radio on Google

Monday morning from 9-10am, Executive Director John Palfrey joined New Hampshire Public Radio to talk about Google's history and its IPO.  The broadcast is now available for…

Aug 13, 2004

Iranian Government Blocks Porn and Politics

A new study from the Open Net Initiative has mapped out a broad range of Internet censorship by the government of Iran.

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