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Apr 19, 2004

BloggerCon II in the News

On Saturday, around 250 attendees convened at Harvard Law School for BloggerCon II.  The conference attracted bloggers from across the country to discuss blogging and its role in…

Apr 19, 2004

<-- The Filter --> April 2004

Your regular dose of public-interest Internet news and commentary from the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School.

Apr 15, 2004

Blogs, The Developing Medium

A story in today's Christian Science Monitor describes subtle changes in the blogging world.  The old perceptions of bloggers as teenage girls keeping online diaries or as Dean…

Apr 13, 2004

Alan Spoon of Polaris Ventures: eCommerce Is Not Dead

Venture capitalist Alan Spoon of Polaris Ventures joined the Berkman Center for a lively discussion on journalism, ecommerce, the tech boom and why the bust was not a bust for all…

Apr 9, 2004

Lichter Researches Patents for Online Advertising

Clinical student Jason Lichter is working with Dan Ravicher, founder of the Public Patent Foundation, to assess the validity of InternetAd System's U.S.

Apr 8, 2004

David Weinberger on NPR

Author and Berkman Fellow David Weinberger has been featured on NPR twice in the past few weeks for his expert commentary on the Internet and society.  The first piece, which…

Apr 6, 2004

Bloggers, Friendsters, and Craigslisters

Online communities are all the rage in recent web-talk.&nbsp; Friendster, Orkut, RSS feeds, and blog rolls have popularized the idea of social networks in cyberspace and have…

Apr 2, 2004

Palfrey to Speak at "Festival of Thought"

IDEAS Boston 2004, hosted by The Boston Globe, in conjunction with the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and WGBH Boston, will feature creative thinkers from the New England region,…

Apr 1, 2004

File-Sharing Legal in Canada?

Just one day after the IFPI took legal actions against file-sharers in Denmark, Germany, Italy, and Canada (see the breaking news report&nbsp;by Berkman Fellow Urs Gasser), a…

Mar 31, 2004

Berkman Fellows in the News

The Economist recently enlisted the help of Michael Best, Berkman Center Fellow and head of the eDevelopment group at MIT's Media Lab, in its piece, "Beyond the Digital Divide." …

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