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Lichter Researches Patents for Online Advertising

Clinical student Jason Lichter is working with Dan Ravicher, founder of the Public Patent Foundation, to assess the validity of InternetAd System's U.S. patents related to Internet advertising.  PubPat is a public interest group organized to protect civil liberties and free markets from wrongly issued patents and unsound patent policy.  Jason is pursuing three lines interrelated lines of research: (1) describing the current state of the law regarding claim construction, the process of defining the meaning and scope of a patent claim, (2) producing a claims chart that analyzes the relevant claims using the patent specification, prosecution history, technical references, and dictionaries, and (3) performing a preliminary validity analysis, including searching for prior art .  PubPat will use Jason's research in deciding whether or not to request a reexamination of these patents by the Patent and Trademark Office.