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Nov 30, 2006

Blogging from the Hot Seats

Blogging over at Media SITREP, John Bracken has continued his tango with merits of the internet-meets-politics domain.  Today he highlights the blogging efforts - or the lack…

Nov 29, 2006

Professor Zittrain on Copyright Extensions

The hill just got a little steeper for those in the UK who hope to extend the current 50 year copyright terms for sound recordings.  While recognizing that the United States…

Nov 29, 2006

Luncheon Series: Nancy Hafkin on Empowering Women in the Knowledge Society

As part of The Berkman Center's Tuesday Luncheon Series, Nancy Hafkin led a discussion about the women's empowerment in the face of information and technology developments.Nancy…

Nov 28, 2006

Fred Friendly Seminars Continue On

With privacy protection a deep concern in the digital world and out, The National Science Foundation and The Department of Energy are sponsoring Nanofuture: Privacy and Security,…

Nov 27, 2006

Exceptions to the DMCA Granted

Going into effect today, six exceptions to anti-circumvention rules in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) have been granted by the overseer of the Copyright Office, the…

Nov 22, 2006

Berkman Buzz, week of November 24 - Early Thanksgiving Edition

A look at the past week's online Berkman conversations.  If you'd like to receive this by email, just sign up here.What's going on...

Nov 22, 2006

SecondLife On Air and Online

SecondLife, the 3-D virtual environment, is up for discussion on Friday's edition of WBUR's "Here and Now."  Berkman fellow David Weinberger spoke with the…

Nov 21, 2006

How Does MediaBerkman Do It?

Videoblogger Steve Garfield recently visited The Berkman Center and with camera in hand - as usually is the case with Steve - highlighted the new video setup we have here for our…

Nov 20, 2006

Protect the Net Toronto - December 1

OpenNet Initiative collaborators at The Munk Center for International Studies at the University of Toronto are home to the first stop on the worldwide campaign to Protect the Net…

Nov 20, 2006

Re-blocking and Resistance in China

Wikipedia's most recent unblocking in China may have had a short shelf-life, but Newsweek's International Edition is reporting on the empowerment that online communications have…

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