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SecondLife On Air and Online

SecondLife, the 3-D virtual environment, is up for discussion on Friday's edition of WBUR's "Here and Now."  Berkman fellow David Weinberger spoke with the program and with Games for Change's Gary Goldberger about SecondLife's evolution, as unlike other virtual worlds its land and space is built and maintained by those who use it. 

"Here and Now" airs on NPR stations nationally, and you can find local airtimes here.

CyberOne: Law in the Court of Public Opinion is a course offered through Harvard Law School, Harvard Extension School and SecondLife.  Instructed by Professor Charles Nesson, Rebecca Nesson, and Berkman fellow Gene Koo, the course examines the creation and exchange of communication in a networked information economy.  Course video, lecture, and project materials are freely available to the public both in Second Life and at MediaBerkman, and you can learn more about the virtual partnerships at the CyberOne blog