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Oct 25, 2006

Featuring: VoteGuide

As part of its ongoing efforts to enable and encourage grassroots media, the Center for Citizen Media recently launched VoteGuide.

Oct 24, 2006

The Future of Digital Media and Learning

When it announced plans to commit more than $50 million dollars to the field of digital media and learning, the MacArthur Foundation also launched a blog, "Spotlight: blogging the…

Oct 23, 2006

Discussing Open Document Formats

On Friday October 20, 2006, the TransAtlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD), a consultative forum to the U.S.

Oct 23, 2006

"This Week in Law" Podcast

John Palfrey, Berkman's Executive Director and a Harvard Law Professor, is a host of the first episode in the "This Week in Law" series.

Oct 23, 2006

Internet Filtering - North Korea

In the Sunday edition of the New York Times reporter Tom Zeller features comments by Prof.

Oct 20, 2006

Berkman Buzz, week of October 20, 2006

A look at the past week's online Berkman conversations.  If you'd like to receive this by email, just sign up here.What's going on...

Oct 20, 2006

Berkman In the News

Today's Canadian technology newspaper, IT Business, featured the OpenNet Initiative (ONI) in "OpenNet Initiative exposes online political pressure" (of which the Berkman Center is…

Oct 18, 2006

Participate: Global Voices Reader Survey

Global Voices Online, a Berkman Center citizen media project recently awarded the Grand Prize for Innovations in Journalism from the Knight-Batten Foundation, is conducting a…

Oct 17, 2006

"What the Web Means for Science"

Timo Hannay, Director of Web Publishing at Nature Publishing Group in London hosted a discussion about the potential of the Internet for scientific research and discovery as part…

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