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Oct 17, 2006

Today's Webcast: Timo Hannay

*Audio from today's event is posted here on MediaBerkman.

Oct 17, 2006

Zittrain on the Future of the Internet

Steve Ryan, Director of London School of Economics Centre for Learning Technology, guest blogged on about Berkman Prof.

Oct 16, 2006

Featuring: "The Digital Media Exchange"

Today's Toronto Star features Prof.

Oct 16, 2006 Unveils Report Database, the Berkman Center and Oxford Internet Institute's consumer-oriented project that is working to find collaborative solutions to the badware problem, just made…

Oct 13, 2006

Berkman Buzz, week of October 13, 2006

A look at the past week's online Berkman conversations.  If you'd like to receive this by email, just sign up here.What's going on...

Oct 13, 2006

Learning About Our Networked Economy

This semester the Berkman Center is offering "CyberOne: Law in the Court of Public Opinion" through Second Life, a 3-D virtual environment.  All course video, lecture, and project…

Oct 12, 2006

Debate: Does YouTube Make Google a Big Target for Copyright Suits?

Yesterday the Wall Street Journal hosted a debate between Berkman's Professor John Palfrey and Economist Stan Liebowitz  on whether Google's purchase of YouTube makes Google a…

Oct 11, 2006

Podcast: "Open Source Strategies for Science"

Today Dan Burk hosted a discussion about the adoption of open source strategies for science as part of the Berkman Center's Tuesday Luncheon Series.  In the age of bioinformatics…

Oct 10, 2006

Featuring: "The Sandbox"

Recently WGBH launched "The Lab Sandbox," which it describes as "an online destination for independent media makers to produce and showcase innovative content for public media…

Oct 10, 2006

Now Hiring

The Berkman Center for Internet & Society is hiring for four jobs -- a senior software developer, a systems administrator, a community organizer, and a senior researcher.  To find…

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