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Learning About Our Networked Economy

This semester the Berkman Center is offering "CyberOne: Law in the Court of Public Opinion" through Second Life, a 3-D virtual environment.  All course video, lecture, and project materials are freely available to the public both in Second Life and through MediaBerkman

If you're interested in learning about the creation and exchange of communication in a networked information economy, tune in:

* Week #1 "
Cyberstrategy and Wiki"
Class #1 Lecture, Class #2 Lecture

* Week #2 "Law in Cyberspace"
Class #3 Lecture, Class #4 Lecture

* Week #3: "Virtual Worlds Introduction"
Class #5 Lecture, Class #6 Lecture.

* Week #4: "Networks and Network Dynamics"
Class #7 Lecture, Class #8 Lecture

Instructed by Professor Charles Nesson, Rebecca Nesson, and Gene Koo, the course examines the creation and exchange of communication in a networked information economy. All three blog at CyberOne.

CyberOne is being jointly offered this fall through the Harvard Law School and  the Harvard Extension School.  The Berkman Center in conjunction with Cambridge Community Television (CCTV) will also be broadcasting select video on CCTV.