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Featuring: VoteGuide

As part of its ongoing efforts to enable and encourage grassroots media, the Center for Citizen Media recently launched VoteGuide.
VoteGuide is an interactive community participation portal to the 11th Congressional district race in California. Dan Gillmor, the Director of the Center for Citizen Media and a Berkman fellow, describes his vision for VoteGuide:

"Working with students at the University of California, Berkeley, Graduate School of Journalism, we will develop an Election Year Demonstration Project for citizen journalism in one Congressional district. CCM will oversee the creation of a website that will seek to cover everything that can possibly be reported on a Congressional election, with an emphasis on drawing on the talents and ideas of local citizen reporters. The site will include in-depth biographical and political information on candidates, audio and video archives, campaign finance profiles, first-person reports, links to articles, etc. This project is designed to serve as a model for possible nationwide implementation in hundreds of districts in 2008."

You can check out VoteGuide here. If you'd like to get involved, here's how.