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Aug 7, 2007

WXLV's Youth Radio

From Jones Franzel of Public Radio Exchange...When it comes to licensing youth-made radio, WXLV blows everyone else out of the water. And when we contacted Program Director Burr…

Aug 6, 2007

Doc Searls Launches New Blog on Berkman Server

And so begins a new era in the storied history of Berkman fellow Doc Searls' official weblog, which he recently moved from his personal web server to the Berkman Center blog…

Aug 6, 2007

First Criminal Online Libel Verdict in Bhutan

From David Ardia of the Citizen Media Law Project...Kuensel Online, the electronic version of Bhutan's English-language national newspaper, reported last week that a man who…

Aug 3, 2007

Berkman Buzz, week of July 30

BERKMAN BUZZ: A look at the past week's online Berkman conversationsThe Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard Law SchoolWeek of July 30, 2007What's going on... take…

Aug 3, 2007

Revised Federal Shield Bill Clears House Committee

From Sam Bayard of the Citizen Media Law Project...The U.S. House of Representatives has taken an important step forward on the federal shield bill (H.R.2102), which we've…

Aug 2, 2007

Live-Blogging Best Practices

The Berkman Center is fortunate to have such an active community, especially amongst our fellows.  Their diverse interests and efforts allow for a great deal of cross…

Aug 2, 2007

A.P. Request for Access Denied in Baseball Steroids Case

From Tom Casazzone, Citizen Media Law Project Intern...A federal district court in Arizona has denied a request filed by the Associated Press to reveal the names of Major League…

Aug 1, 2007

Life Beyond the Bars

Students Expressing Truth (SET) - the Jamaican prison rehabilitation program supported by Berkman founder Charlie Nesson, Kevin Wallen, Christina Xu and many others…

Aug 1, 2007

Creative Commoners meet in Hong Kong

From Global Voices co-founder Rebecca Mackinnon...On Monday night my center hosted a meeting for people interested in bringing Creative Commons to Hong Kong...The CC licenses are…

Jul 31, 2007

Berkman & HBS Host "Internet as a Public Good"

For the second day, the Berkman Center, Harvard Business School, and the Mozilla Foundation play host to a symposium on the topic of "Internet as a Public Good," which has brought…

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