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Doc Searls Launches New Blog on Berkman Server

And so begins a new era in the storied history of Berkman fellow Doc Searls' official weblog, which he recently moved from his personal web server to the Berkman Center blog servers, which already houses John Palfrey's Blog, Urs Gasser's Blog, Gene Koo's Blog, Info/Law, and many more.

Berkman alum, blogger extraordinaire, and the driving force behind the launch of Berkman's university-wide blog server back in 2003, Dave Winer offered his input and expertise during Doc's time of transition.  He made certain that the long list of past thoughts, insights, and musings on Doc's old blog were intact and accessible as an archive at

Doc explains more about reasons behind the transition and why he's looking forward to having his blog hosted on the Berkman server in one of his newest posts on the blog. Take a peak, leave a comment, and help commemorate Doc's move by updating your blog rolls, RSS feeds, and telling your friends.