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Live-Blogging Best Practices

The Berkman Center is fortunate to have such an active community, especially amongst our fellows.  Their diverse interests and efforts allow for a great deal of cross-pollination between projects, courses, and research.  Whether it is attendance at our Luncheon Series, participation in the Summer Doctoral Programme, or any number of venues we can always count on their involvement.

The Wired Blog has just highlighted one of the many ways that we have come to rely on their expertise.  Citing a recent post by Ethan Zuckerman, Wired looks at his explanation for live-blogging and his in-depth list of "best practices."  He manages to address everything from what you need to bring, to collaboration, to just having fun.

With the likes of Ethan, David Weinberger, Doc Searls, and others live-blogging many of our events, the Berkman community has benefited greatly from their work.  If you're interested in learning from a pro, be sure to read Ethan's post and check back here to see their work as we feature our upcoming and past events.