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Jul 12, 2007

Embedded Video and Copyright Infringement

From Berkman Fellow and CMLP Assistant Director Sam Bayard...Citizen journalists commonly embed video clips to illustrate a story or other posting. Sometimes, the posting itself …

Jul 12, 2007

Lost (and found) in Translation

From Berkman Fellow and Global Voices co-founder Ethan Zuckerman...One of the major focuses of Global Voices over the past year has been translating content from other languages…

Jul 11, 2007

Citizen Media Development in Spain

From Berkman Fellow Dan Gillmor...In country after country, people are trying fascinating experiments in citizen media.

Jul 11, 2007

Colombia: Protests Against Kidnappings

From Carlos Raul van der Weyden Velasquez of Global Voices...After the murder of 11 deputies by FARC guerrillas, Colombians decided to go to the streets and yell “No More…

Jul 10, 2007

Time for Delamination?!

From David Ardia of Citizen Media Law Project...Not unlike John Perry Barlow's 1996 Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace, David Weinberger has penned a new declaration of…

Jul 10, 2007

The Filter - June 2007

June 2007Your regular dose of public-interest Internet news and commentary from the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School.FILTER CONTENTS:[0] From the Center…

Jul 9, 2007

<-- The Filter --> June 2007

Your regular dose of public-interest Internet news and commentary from the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School.

Jul 9, 2007

Badware's terrorist connection

From Washington Post (last week took) a fascinating look at how three UK-based terrorists used badware and phishing scams to finance their criminal…

Jul 9, 2007

Oregon Extends Public Access to Governmental Records

From David Ardia of Citizen Media Law Project...The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press reports that Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski recently signed two bills that…

Jul 9, 2007

Reuters Africa wins Diageo Africa Business Reporting award

From Georgia Popplewell of Global Voices...The team here at Global Voices were overjoyed this morning to receive the news that the groundbreaking Reuters Africa web site won the…

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