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Jun 22, 2007

Gossip Site Temporarily Shutdown Due to Copyright Claims

From David Ardia of Citizen Media Law Project...CNN is reporting (via the Associated Press) that Internet gossip columnist Perez Hilton's site was shut down for several hours…

Jun 22, 2007

Share Your Photos with Berkman

As we round the bend into our tenth year, The Berkman Center is giving a good look to our efforts and triumphs of the past.  To accompany stories both written and told, we are…

Jun 21, 2007

Announcing Review Request History

From Liana Leahy of is proud to announce the availability of Review Request History on our website. In an effort to be as transparent…

Jun 21, 2007 Gets Rolling

An exciting new development in the 2008 Presidential race came about this week and it didn't even involve a scandal!  Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post and Jay…

Jun 20, 2007

Canadian Blogger Sued for Libel by Brewery President

From David Ardia of Citizen Media Law Project...The president of Steelback Brewery, based in Ontario, Canada, filed a $2 million lawsuit against an Ottawa-based blogger that he…

Jun 20, 2007

Google launches new anti-badware API

Google’s anti-malware team has announced a new Safe Browsing API to give developers access to its badware and phishing block lists.

Jun 19, 2007

Berkman Center and CALI Partner to Create New Legal Education Resource

Cambridge, MA – Today at the 17th annual CALI Conference on Law School Computing, the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School and the non-profit Center for…

Jun 19, 2007

danah boyd on "MyFriends, MySpace"

This afternoon, danah boyd participated in the Berkman Luncheon Series to discuss her work and research in the area of social networks.  She provided a great historical context to…

Jun 19, 2007

Berkman Center, CALI Announce New Partnership

In a statement this morning, the Berkman Center announced a new partnership with the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI).  For this endeavor, the Berkman Center…

Jun 18, 2007

WITNESS/Global Voices Human Rights Video Hub wins One World Media award

From Georgia Popplewell of Global Voices...(June 14th), the WITNESS/Global Voices Human Rights Video Hub pilot took the award for best New Media project at the One World Media…

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