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Canadian Blogger Sued for Libel by Brewery President

From David Ardia of Citizen Media Law Project...

The president of Steelback Brewery, based in Ontario, Canada, filed a $2 million lawsuit against an Ottawa-based blogger that he claims libeled him on his sports website.  The Ottawa Citizen reports:

Filed late last week in court in Newmarket, Ont., Frank D'Angelo alleges Neate Sager damaged his reputation and his image in comments posted on Sager's blog between August 2006 and January of this year.  In his statement of claim, D'Angelo argues that Sager's comments - which described D'Angelo as a "huckster" and a "two-bit shyster" - are derogatory in that they paint a picture of him as a "peddler," a "con man" and an "irritant."

Sager, who also works as a copy editor at the Ottawa Sun, told the Citizen that he has yet to file a statement of defence and hopes to resolve the matter out of court.

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