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An exciting new development in the 2008 Presidential race came about this week and it didn't even involve a scandal!  Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post and Jay Rosen a professor of journalism at NYU have announced a joint project to provide alternative reporting on the election by a cadre of citizen journalists.  

The venture, will allow anyone interested to join the team, which will provide commentary and reporting on a variety of topics and angles to their team for aggregation.

One of the great promises of citizen journalism has been the ability of individuals to fill the cracks and voids of traditional reporting that for generations have been the sole means of information on topics of great importance to us.

Congratulations and good luck to all of those working hard to guide this project through its inaugural campaign season, including Berkman alum Amanda Michel.

For those interested in joining the project you can visit their site to signup and be sure to also check the Center for Citizen Media for the Principles of Citizen Journalism to help you in producing the best work possible.  The recently launched Citizen Media Law Project will also be available for frequent reference and discussion to help in navigating the legal hurdles that arise from reporting and publishing on a variety of topics.