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Badware's terrorist connection


The Washington Post (last week took) a fascinating look at how three UK-based terrorists used badware and phishing scams to finance their criminal operations. The scale of the scams is mind-boggling, though unfortunately not as unusual as you might think.

The article notes that, “All told, investigators said al-Daour and his compatriots made more than $3.5 million in fraudulent charges using credit card accounts they stole via online phishing scams and the distribution of Trojan horses—computer programs embedded in innocent-looking e-mail messages or Web sites that give criminals control over infected computers.”

This highlights the strong ties between badware and crime of all stripes. The identity and financial information being stolen through trojans and keyloggers isn’t just lining the pockets of rich gangsters – it’s also helping finance acts of terrorism.

Read the full article here (may require free registration).