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Reuters Africa wins Diageo Africa Business Reporting award

From Georgia Popplewell of Global Voices...

The team here at Global Voices were overjoyed this morning to receive the news that the groundbreaking Reuters Africa web site won the best site award at the Diageo Africa Business Reporting awards (read the Reuters report here). The award was announced at a ceremony in London yesterday evening.

This award has special meaning for us not only because Reuters is one of the principal sponsors of our project, but also because Global Voices content is featured quite prominently on Reuters Africa’s country pages (see the “BLOGS” section at the top right-hand side of any page). We were very excited when Reuters approached us earlier this year with the idea of incorporating our RSS feeds into their new project. As Rachel Rawlins wrote in an article announcing the Africa site launch back in February 2007,  “it. . . . demonstrates the increasing value placed by news organisations on the ability of authentic voices to provide perspective, background and context to the events they cover.”

Congratulations, Reuters — we’re absolutely thrilled that you’ve won this award, and extremely proud to be a part of the Africa Reuters project.

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