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Aug 31, 2007

New Book on Internet & E-Commerce

Brian Fitzgerald, Head of the School of Law at Queensland University of Technology and recently a tutor at this year's Summer Doctoral Programme (SDP), has…

Aug 30, 2007

Two New Tools for Political Transparency

Our friends at the Sunlight Foundation recently pointed out two great new tools for making American politics and government more transparent.  One comes from Sunlight grantee…

Aug 30, 2007

Chinese cartoon cops patrolling websites

From Sami Ben Gharbia of Global Voices...In the footsteps of Shenzhen Internet Police, the police in China’s capital, Beijing, will start patrolling websites registered on Beijing…

Aug 29, 2007

Sign-Up for Berkman News

As the Berkman Center gears up for its tenth anniversary this coming Fall, we want to be sure that you are kept aware of not only a number events, but also…

Aug 29, 2007

Greece: On Fire

From Yazan Badran of Global Voices...We’ve probably all heard it in the news by now: Greece is ablaze.

Aug 28, 2007

El Tiempo: Blogs and More

From Dan Gillmor of the Center for Citizen Media...El Tiempo, Colombia’s national daily paper, has been moving at a fairly good speed to incorporate conversational media into its…

Aug 28, 2007

Blogger Threatened After Posting Law Firm Song

From Sam Bayard of the Citizen Media Law Project...David Lat runs a legal tabloid blog called Above the Law, which provides "news and gossip about the profession's most colorful…

Aug 27, 2007

Attorney General Controversy Discussed

After the announcement this morning, by U.S.

Aug 27, 2007

Resource for Online Judicial Decisions

From Sam Bayard of the Citizen Media Law Project...Following up on our post about Carl Malamud's project to create a free resource for court decisions online, there's been another…

Aug 24, 2007

Berkman Buzz, week of August 20

BERKMAN BUZZ: A look at the past week's online Berkman conversationsThe Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard Law SchoolWeek of August 20, 2007.What's going on…

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