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Apr 1, 2003

Empirical Analysis of Internet Filtering in China

Data on the methods, scope, and depth of selective barriers to Internet access through Chinese networks.

Mar 1, 2003

Internet Points of Control

The online availability of pornography and unauthorized intellectual property has driven Internet growth while giving rise to efforts to make the Net more regulable. Early efforts…

Aug 4, 2002

Incentives to Create Under a "Lifetime-Plus-Years" Copyright Duration

In this Article, we highlight for the first time some of the significant but hitherto unrecognized behavioral effects of copyright law on individuals' incentives to create and…

Apr 30, 2002

Readiness for the Networked World: Jamaica Assessment

This readiness assessment is based on a methodology developed by the Information Technologies Group at the Centre for International Development at Harvard University. The…

Feb 24, 2000

What the Publisher Can Teach the Patient: Intellectual Property and Privacy in an Era of Trusted Privication

Individuals have long had the desire but little ability to control the dissemination of personal information about their health.... Technology has so far only made exploitation of…

Dec 15, 1999

Zoning Speech on the Internet: A Legal and Technical Model

Speech, it is said, divides into three sorts — (1) speech that everyone has a right to (political speech, speech about public affairs); (2) speech that no one has a right to …

Dec 3, 1999

The Law of the Horse: What Cyberlaw Might Teach

A few years ago, at a conference on the “Law of Cyberspace” held at the University of Chicago, Judge Frank Easterbrook told the assembled listeners, a room packed with “cyberlaw”…

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