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Dec 30, 2004

Illegal Internet Networks in the Developing World

In this essay, I outline the primary economic and technical underpinnings of illegal Internet networks and describe their most frequent applications. I then discuss the potential…

Jan 9, 2004

The End of the Experiment: How ICANN’s Foray Into Global Internet Democracy Failed

ICANN’s experimentation in running a representative and open corporate decision-making process to manage the domain name system has largely failed. This failure has manifested…

Dec 1, 2003

Analysis and Critique of Mongolia’s Draft Law on Information Technology

Mongolia’s Ministry of Infrastructure has proposed a Draft Law on Information Technology that is now being considered by Mongolia’s State Great Khural, the country’s parliament.

Nov 1, 2003

Information Quality and the Law, or, How to Catch a Difficult Horse

This essay seeks to provide, first, a brief overview over the genesis and content of the Federal Data Quality Act and the implementing OMB Guidelines.

Jul 31, 2003

Five Scenarios for Digital Media in a Post-Napster World

This document—a joint effort between GartnerG2 and the Berkman Center for Internet & Society—presents five possible scenarios for copyright law applicable to digital media in the…

Jul 31, 2003

Global Attention Profiles - a working paper

First steps towards a quantitative approach to the study of media attention

Global Attention Profiles – a working paper: First steps towards a quantitative approach to the study of media attention

Nov 1, 2003

Copyright and Digital Media in a Post-Napster World

Our objective is to provide a foundation to answer key questions facing copyright holders, technology developers and consumers. Among these: How do we balance the legitimate…

Apr 30, 2003

Technology, Terrorism, and the Fishbowl Effect: An Economic Analysis of Surveillance and Searches

The dual forces of terrorism and technology have eroded our understanding of privacy, confronting us with the difficult question, “What balance should we strike between privacy…

Apr 30, 2003

Be Careful What You Ask For: Reconciling a Global Internet and Local Law

As the Internet becomes part of daily living rather than a place to visit, its rough edges are smoothed and its extremes tamed by sovereigns wanting to protect consumers, prevent…

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